Chapter 210 Child Protection and Reformation
- 210.001. Department of social services to meet needs of homeless, dependent and neglected children--only certain regional child assessment centers funded.
- 210.002. Year 2000 plan, agencies to develop, purpose.
- 210.003. Immunizations of children required, when, exceptions--duties of administrator, report.
- 210.004. Law enforcement agencies, record of custody of child.
- 210.025. Criminal background checks, persons receiving state or federal funds for child care, procedure--rulemaking authority.
- 210.027. Direct payment recipients, child care providers--department's duties.
- 210.030. Blood tests of pregnant women.
- 210.040. Blood test results--confidential.
- 210.050. Reporting required.
- 210.060. Noncompliance a misdemeanor--penalty.
- 210.070. Prophylactic eyedrops at birth--report.
- 210.080. Report of infant eye inflammation, by whom.
- 210.090. Health officer to furnish copy of law to midwife--secretary of state to print same.
- 210.100. Violation a misdemeanor.
- 210.101. Children's services commission established, members, qualifications--meetings open to public, notice--rules--staff--ex officio members.
- 210.102. Service commission's powers and duties--coordinating board for early childhood established, members, powers.
- 210.103. Children's services commission fund created, purpose--investment--not subject to general revenue transfer.
- 210.104. (Repealed L. 2006 S.B. 872, et al. § A)
- 210.106. Failure to use passenger restraint system not to be basis for civil actions--evidence inadmissible.
- 210.107. (Repealed L. 2006 S.B. 872, et al. § A)
- 210.108. Dominic James Memorial Foster Care Reform Act, statutes involved.
- 210.109. Child protection system established by children's division, duties, records, investigations or assessments and services--central registry maintained.
- 210.110. Definitions.
- 210.111. Identification of children receiving foster care, report to general assembly, contents.
- 210.112. Children's services providers and agencies, contracting with, requirements--reports to general assembly--rulemaking authority.
- 210.113. Accreditation goal, when to be achieved.
- 210.114. Qualified immunity for private contractor, when--exceptions.
- 210.115. Reports of abuse, neglect, and under age eighteen deaths--persons required to report--deaths required to be reported to the division or child fatality review panel, when--report made to anoth
- 210.117. Child not reunited with parents or placed in a home, when.
- 210.120. Medical institution staff members, duties of.
- 210.122. Voluntary placement agreements, children in state custody solely in need of mental health treatment--rulemaking authority.
- 210.125. Protective custody of child, who may take, reports required--temporary protective custody defined.
- 210.127. Diligent search for biological parents required, when.
- 210.130. Oral reports, when and where made--contents of reports.
- 210.135. Immunity from liability granted to reporting person or institution, when--exception.
- 210.140. Privileged communication not recognized, exception.
- 210.145. Telephone hotline for reports on child abuse--division duties, protocols, law enforcement contacted immediately, investigation conducted, when, exception--chief investigator named--family sup
- 210.147. Confidentiality of family support team meetings, exceptions--form developed for core commitments made at meetings.
- 210.150. Confidentiality of reports and records, exceptions--violations, penalty.
- 210.152. Reports of abuse or neglect--division to retain certain information--confidential, released only to authorized persons--report removal, when--notice of agency's determination to retain or
- 210.153. Child abuse and neglect review board, established, members, duties, records, rules.
- 210.155. Division to provide programs and information--division to continuously inform persons required to report and public as to toll-free telephones available for abuse reports.
- 210.160. Guardian ad litem, how appointed--when--fee--volunteer advocates may be appointed to assist guardian--training program.
- 210.165. Penalty for violation.
- 210.166. Medical neglect of child, who may bring action--procedure.
- 210.167. Report to school district on violations of compulsory school attendance law--referral by school district to prosecutor, when.
- 210.170. Children's trust fund board created--members, appointment--qualifications--terms--vacancies--removal procedure--staff--expenses--office of administration, duties.
- 210.171. Definitions.
- 210.172. Powers and duties of board.
- 210.173. Trust fund established--investment--disbursement, limitation, exception--exempt from transfer to general revenue.
- 210.174. (Transferred 2004; now 143.1000)
- 210.180. Division employees to be trained.
- 210.183. Alleged perpetrator to be provided written description of investigation process.
- 210.187. Child abuse and neglect services and funding, task force on children's justice to make recommendations and award grant moneys.
- 210.188. Report to general assembly and governor, contents.
- 210.192. Child fatality review panel to investigate deaths--qualifications--prosecutors and circuit attorneys to organize--report on investigations--immunity from civil liability--program for preventi
- 210.194. Panels, coroners and medical examiners--rules authorized for protocol and identifying suspicious deaths, procedure.
- 210.195. State technical assistance team, duties--regional coordinators, appointment, duties--state child fatality review panel, appointment, duties, findings and recommendations, content.
- 210.196. Hospitals and physicians, rules authorized for protocol and identifying suspicious deaths--child death pathologist, qualification, certification--rules, procedure--records, disclosure.
- 210.199. Licensure through the department of health and senior services required for receipt of certain education funds.
- 210.201. Definitions.
- 210.203. Complaints against child care facilities, open records to be kept by department.
- 210.211. License required--exceptions.
- 210.215. Access to child and care providers during normal hours--exception court orders restricting access.
- 210.221. Licenses to be issued by department of health and senior services--duty to fix standards and make investigations--rule variance granted when, procedure.
- 210.231. Department of health and senior services may delegate powers.
- 210.241. Judicial review.
- 210.245. Violations, penalties--prosecutor may file suit to oversee or prevent operation of day care center--attorney general may seek injunction, when.
- 210.251. State and federal funds to be made available to centers to upgrade standards.
- 210.252. Fire, safety, health and sanitation inspections, procedure--variances to rules granted when--rules authorized.
- 210.254. Religious organization operating facilities exempt under licensing laws required to file parental notice of responsibility and fire, safety inspections annually.
- 210.255. Religious organizations operating facility in violation, procedure--noncompliance after notice, prosecutor may act or attorney general.
- 210.256. Violations, penalties--injunction, procedure.
- 210.257. Rules, procedure to adopt.
- 210.258. Religious organizations operating facility, no interference permitted with curriculum, personnel or selection of children--discipline policies, explanation required for parent.
- 210.259. Nonreligious organization's agreement for child-care facility on property of religious organization not deemed to be exclusive control by religious organization.
- 210.275. Child care provided on elementary and secondary school property must comply with child-care licensure provisions.
- 210.278. Exempt from licensure, when.
- 210.292. State to reimburse certain cities and counties for cost of foster home care.
- 210.305. Grandparent placement preferred in emergency placements--definitions--diligent efforts required, when.
- 210.320. Regulation of detention facility--taxation of cigarettes to support, rate--discount for wholesaler--refunds--failing to affix stamps or pay tax, penalty--possession of unstamped cigarettes, p
- 210.481. Definitions.
- 210.482. Background checks for emergency placements, requirements, exceptions--cost, paid by whom.
- 210.484. Residential care facilities license required.
- 210.485. Civil liability, for-profit child-placing agency or residential care facility, when--state exemption.
- 210.486. License required, applicants to be investigated--provisional license, when--periods of validity.
- 210.487. Background checks for foster families, requirements--costs, paid by whom--rulemaking authority.
- 210.491. Investigation of certain facilities by the division, when--injunctive relief, when.
- 210.496. Refusal to issue, suspension or revocation of licenses--grounds.
- 210.498. Access to records on the suspension or revocation of a foster home license--procedure for release of information.
- 210.501. Application for licensure, form, contents.
- 210.506. Rules, procedure--promulgation, persons to be consulted.
- 210.511. Division to assist applicants in meeting license requirements and establishing certain programs, how.
- 210.516. Exceptions to license requirement--division may not require documentation.
- 210.518. Departments' duties, classification of services to children--interagency meetings for coordination of services.
- 210.521. Assistance for division in licensure of foster homes.
- 210.526. Grievance procedure for decisions of division, requirements--judicial review authorized.
- 210.531. Violations or false statements, penalty.
- 210.535. Foster care and adoption assistance under federal Social Security Act, amendments to plan and waivers to be submitted.
- 210.536. Cost of foster care, how paid--failure of parent to pay required amount, court orders against assets, collection procedure.
- 210.537. County foster parent associations may be established, duties of division of family services.
- 210.542. Training and standards for foster parents to be provided, when--evaluation of foster parents.
- 210.543. Specialized foster parents, training, fiscal incentives.
- 210.545. Respite care facilities for foster families--rules and regulations--procedure.
- 210.551. Grievance procedure for decisions of division to be developed with cooperation of foster parents group.
- 210.560. Money held by others for benefit of a child, definitions, liability to the state for funds expended for child, when--money held by division of family services for a child, accounting, deposit
- 210.565. Relatives of child shall be given foster home placement, when--relative, defined--death or dissolution not to affect grandparents' status--specific findings required, when--age of relativ
- 210.566. Foster parents' bill of rights.
- 210.568. Juvenile offender regimented discipline program, certain counties--commitments, manner--vote required to establish program, ballot.
- 210.570. Text of compact.
- 210.580. Compact binding, when.
- 210.590. Courts and agencies to cooperate to promote purposes of compact.
- 210.595. (Repealed L. 2007 S.B. 84 § A)
- 210.600. (Repealed L. 2007 S.B. 84 § A)
- 210.610. (Repealed L. 2007 S.B. 84 § A)
- 210.620. Compact enacted, text of compact.
- 210.622. Emergency placement of abused or neglected children across state lines, approval required, when.
- 210.625. Financial responsibility for child, how fixed.
- 210.630. (Repealed L. 2007 S.B. 84 § A)
- 210.635. Placement authority of courts, retention of jurisdiction.
- 210.640. Placements from nonparty states, procedure for.
- 210.650. Contingent effective date.
- 210.700. (Repealed L. 2007 S.B. 84 § A)
- 210.710. Child committed to care of authorized agency--written report of status required for court review, when--dispositional hearing, when, purpose--child not returned home, when.
- 210.720. Court-ordered custody--written report of status required for court review, when--permanency hearing when, purpose.
- 210.730. Court to have continuing jurisdiction for certain proceedings--duties to review children under continued foster care, when--goals.
- 210.760. Placement in foster care--division's duties--removal of children from school, restrictions.
- 210.761. Right to testify at foster care hearings, qualifications, limitation.
- 210.762. Family support team meetings to be held, when--who may attend--form to be used.
- 210.764. Certain case records available for review by parents or guardians.
- 210.817. Definitions.
- 210.818. Relationship not dependent on marriage.
- 210.819. Parent and child relationship, how established.
- 210.822. Presumption of paternity--rebuttal of presumption, standard of proof.
- 210.823. Acknowledgment of paternity is considered a legal finding of paternity--rescinding the acknowledgment.
- 210.824. Artificial insemination, consent required, duties of physician, effect of physician's failure to comply with law--inspection of records permitted, when.
- 210.826. Determination of father and child relationship, who may bring action, when action may be brought.
- 210.828. Statute of limitations, exception--notification form required, when.
- 210.829. Jurisdiction, venue, severance--effect of failure to join action for necessaries.
- 210.830. Parties--guardian ad litem, when appointed.
- 210.832. Pretrial proceedings, informal hearing before master--testimony of party may be compelled, when--physician testimony not privileged, when--bond required when, amount--temporary support order
- 210.834. Blood tests--expert defined.
- 210.836. Evidence relating to paternity.
- 210.838. Pretrial recommendation--actions, effect of party's refusal to accept.
- 210.839. Civil action, procedure--admissibility of evidence, parties--default judgment may be entered, when.
- 210.841. Judgment or order, contents--amount of support, presumption.
- 210.842. Costs.
- 210.843. Enforcement of judgment or order--payments to be made to circuit clerk or family support payment center--failure to comply, civil contempt.
- 210.844. Applicability of certain statutes.
- 210.845. Modification of decree, when--procedure, burden.
- 210.846. Hearings and records, confidentiality--inspection allowed, when.
- 210.847. Grandparents liable for support payments for grandchildren, when--amount of support, relevant factors.
- 210.848. Action to declare mother and child relationship.
- 210.849. Birth records.
- 210.850. Uniformity of application and construction.
- 210.851. Citation of law.
- 210.852. Application to actions commenced prior to effective date.
- 210.853. Parenting plan in paternity actions.
- 210.854. Paternity and support, setting aside of judgment, criteria--division to track cases.
- 210.860. Tax levy, amount, purposes--ballot--deposit of funds in special community children's services fund.
- 210.861. Board of directors, term, expenses, organization--powers--funds, expenditure, purpose, restrictions.
- 210.865. Information system, tracking of children by court and by certain state departments--information to be confidential, when.
- 210.870. Juvenile information governance commission created, members, duties, meetings, annual report.
- 210.875. Children's services commission study, purpose.
- 210.877. Courts and agencies to provide information.
- 210.879. (Repealed L. 2007 S.B. 613 Revision § A)
- 210.900. Definitions.
- 210.903. Family care safety registry and access line established, contents.
- 210.906. Registration form, contents--violation, penalty--fees--voluntary registration permitted, when.
- 210.909. Department duties--information included in registry, when--registrant notification.
- 210.912. Right to appeal, procedure.
- 210.915. Departmental collaboration on registry information--rulemaking authority.
- 210.918. Toll-free telephone service maintained for access to information.
- 210.921. Release of registry information, when--limitations of disclosure--immunity from liability, when.
- 210.922. Use of registry information by certain departments, when.
- 210.924. Rulemaking authority.
- 210.927. Annual report, when, contents.
- 210.930. (Repealed L. 2007 S.B. 613 Revision § A)
- 210.933. Registration qualifies as compliance with other background check requirements, elder-care workers, when.
- 210.936. Registry information deemed public record.
- 210.937. (Repealed L. 2003 S.B. 184 § A)
- 210.950. Safe place for newborns act--definitions--procedure--immunity from liability.
- 210.1007. List of children's products to be furnished to all child-care facilities by department--disposal of unsafe products--inspections by department--rulemaking authority.
- 210.1012. Amber alert system created--department to develop system regions--false report, penalty.
- 210.1014. Amber alert system oversight committee created, duties, members, compensation--rulemaking authority.
- 210.1050. Full school day defined--foster child entitled to full school day of education--commissioner of education to be ombudsman.