210.900. Definitions.


210.900. 1. Sections 210.900 to 210.936 shall be known and may becited as the "Family Care Safety Act".

2. As used in sections 210.900 to 210.936, the following terms shallmean:

(1) "Child-care provider", any licensed or license-exempt child-carehome, any licensed or license-exempt child-care center, child-placingagency, residential care facility for children, group home, foster familygroup home, foster family home, employment agency that refers a child-careworker to parents or guardians as defined in section 289.005*, RSMo. Theterm "child-care provider" does not include summer camps or voluntaryassociations designed primarily for recreational or educational purposes;

(2) "Child-care worker", any person who is employed by a child-careprovider, or receives state or federal funds, either by direct payment,reimbursement or voucher payment, as remuneration for child-care services;

(3) "Department", the department of health and senior services;

(4) "Elder-care provider", any operator licensed pursuant to chapter198, RSMo, or any person, corporation, or association who provides in-homeservices under contract with the division of aging, or any employer ofnurses or nursing assistants of home health agencies licensed pursuant tosections 197.400 to 197.477, RSMo, or any nursing assistants employed by ahospice pursuant to sections 197.250 to 197.280, RSMo, or that portion of ahospital for which subdivision (3) of subsection 1 of section 198.012,RSMo, applies;

(5) "Elder-care worker", any person who is employed by an elder-careprovider, or who receives state or federal funds, either by direct payment,reimbursement or voucher payment, as remuneration for elder-care services;

(6) "Employer", any child-care provider, elder-care provider, orpersonal-care provider as defined in this section;

(7) "Mental health provider", any mental retardation facility orgroup home as defined in section 633.005, RSMo;

(8) "Mental health worker", any person employed by a mental healthprovider to provide personal care services and supports;

(9) "Patrol", the Missouri state highway patrol;

(10) "Personal-care attendant" or "personal-care worker", a personwho performs routine services or supports necessary for a person with aphysical or mental disability to enter and maintain employment or to liveindependently;

(11) "Personal-care provider", any person, corporation, orassociation who provides personal-care services or supports under contractwith the department of mental health, the division of aging, the departmentof health and senior services or the department of elementary and secondaryeducation;

(12) "Related child care", child care provided only to a child orchildren by such child's or children's grandparents, great-grandparents,aunts or uncles, or siblings living in a residence separate from the childor children;

(13) "Related elder care", care provided only to an elder by an adultchild, a spouse, a grandchild, a great-grandchild or a sibling of suchelder.

(L. 1999 H.B. 490 & H.B. 308 § 3, A.L. 2001 S.B. 48, A.L. 2008 S.B. 1081)

*Section 289.005 was repealed by H.B. 393, 1995.