210.861. Board of directors, term, expenses, organization--powers--funds, expenditure, purpose, restrictions.
Board of directors, term, expenses, organization--powers--funds,expenditure, purpose, restrictions.
210.861. 1. When the tax prescribed by section 210.860 or section67.1775, RSMo, is established, the governing body of the city or county orcity not within a county shall appoint a board of directors consisting ofnine members, who shall be residents of the city or county or city notwithin a county. All board members shall be appointed to serve for a termof three years, except that of the first board appointed, three membersshall be appointed for one-year terms, three members for two-year terms andthree members for three-year terms. Board members may be reappointed. Ina city not within a county, or any county of the first classification witha charter form of government with a population not less than nine hundredthousand inhabitants, or any county of the first classification with acharter form of government with a population not less than two hundredthousand inhabitants and not more than six hundred thousand inhabitants, orany noncharter county of the first classification with a population notless than one hundred seventy thousand and not more than two hundredthousand inhabitants, or any noncharter county of the first classificationwith a population not less than eighty thousand and not more thaneighty-three thousand inhabitants, or any third classification county witha population not less than twenty-eight thousand and not more than thirtythousand inhabitants, or any county of the third classification with apopulation not less than nineteen thousand five hundred and not more thantwenty thousand inhabitants the members of the community mental healthboard of trustees appointed pursuant to the provisions of sections 205.975to 205.990, RSMo, shall be the board members for the community children'sservices fund. The directors shall not receive compensation for theirservices, but may be reimbursed for their actual and necessary expenses.
2. The board shall elect a chairman, vice chairman, treasurer, andsuch other officers as it deems necessary for its membership. Beforetaking office, the treasurer shall furnish a surety bond, in an amount tobe determined and in a form to be approved by the board, for the faithfulperformance of his or her duties and faithful accounting of all moneys thatmay come into his or her hands. The treasurer shall enter into the suretybond with a surety company authorized to do business in Missouri, and thecost of such bond shall be paid by the board of directors. The board shalladminister and expend all funds generated pursuant to section 210.860 orsection 67.1775, RSMo, in a manner consistent with this section.
3. The board may contract with public or not-for-profit agencieslicensed or certified where appropriate to provide qualified services andmay place conditions on the use of such funds. The board shall reserve theright to audit the expenditure of any and all funds. The board and anyagency with which the board contracts may establish eligibility standardsfor the use of such funds and the receipt of services. No member of theboard shall serve on the governing body, have any financial interest in, orbe employed by any agency which is a recipient of funds generated pursuantto section 210.860 or section 67.1775, RSMo.
4. Revenues collected and deposited in the community children'sservices fund may be expended for the purchase of the following services:
(1) Up to thirty days of temporary shelter for abused, neglected,runaway, homeless or emotionally disturbed youth; respite care services;and services to unwed mothers;
(2) Outpatient chemical dependency and psychiatric treatmentprograms; counseling and related services as a part of transitional livingprograms; home-based and community-based family intervention programs;unmarried parent services; crisis intervention services, inclusive oftelephone hotlines; and prevention programs which promote healthylifestyles among children and youth and strengthen families;
(3) Individual, group, or family professional counseling and therapyservices; psychological evaluations; and mental health screenings.
5. Revenues collected and deposited in the community children'sservices fund may not be expended for inpatient medical, psychiatric, andchemical dependency services, or for transportation services.
(L. 1993 S.B. 253 § 25, A.L. 1994 S.B. 595, A.L. 1995 H.B. 97, A.L. 1996 S.B. 728, A.L. 2001 S.B. 323 & 230, A.L. 2005 H.B. 58 merged with H.B. 186 merged with S.B. 210 merged with S.B. 238)