210.003. Immunizations of children required, when, exceptions--duties of administrator, report.
Immunizations of children required, when, exceptions--duties ofadministrator, report.
210.003. 1. No child shall be permitted to enroll in or attend anypublic, private or parochial day care center, preschool or nursery schoolcaring for ten or more children unless such child has been adequatelyimmunized against vaccine-preventable childhood illnesses specified by thedepartment of health and senior services in accordance with recommendations ofthe Immunization Practices Advisory Committee (ACIP). The parent or guardianof such child shall provide satisfactory evidence of the requiredimmunizations.
2. A child who has not completed all immunizations appropriate for hisage may enroll, if:
(1) Satisfactory evidence is produced that such child has begun theprocess of immunization. The child may continue to attend as long as theimmunization process is being accomplished according to the ACIP/Missouridepartment of health and senior services recommended schedule; or
(2) The parent or guardian has signed and placed on file with the daycare administrator a statement of exemption which may be either of thefollowing:
(a) A medical exemption, by which a child shall be exempted from therequirements of this section upon certification by a licensed physician thatsuch immunization would seriously endanger the child's health or life; or
(b) A parent or guardian exemption, by which a child shall be exemptedfrom the requirements of this section if one parent or guardian files awritten objection to immunization with the day care administrator. Exemptionsshall be accepted by the day care administrator when the necessary informationas determined by the department of health and senior services is filed withthe day care administrator by the parent or guardian. Exemption forms shallbe provided by the department of health and senior services.
3. In the event of an outbreak or suspected outbreak of avaccine-preventable disease within a particular facility, the administrator ofthe facility shall follow the control measures instituted by the local healthauthority or the department of health and senior services or both the localhealth authority and the department of health and senior services, asestablished in Rule 19 CSR 20-20.040, "Measures for the Control ofCommunicable Diseases".
4. The administrator of each public, private or parochial day carecenter, preschool or nursery school shall cause to be prepared a record ofimmunization of every child enrolled in or attending a facility under hisjurisdiction. An annual summary report shall be made by January fifteenthshowing the immunization status of each child enrolled, using forms providedfor this purpose by the department of health and senior services. Theimmunization records shall be available for review by department of health andsenior services personnel upon request.
5. For purposes of this section, satisfactory evidence of immunizationmeans a statement, certificate or record from a physician or other recognizedhealth facility or personnel, stating that the required immunizations havebeen given to the child and verifying the type of vaccine and the month, dayand year of administration.
6. Nothing in this section shall preclude any political subdivision fromadopting more stringent rules regarding the immunization of preschoolchildren.
(L. 1988 S.B. 797 § 1)Effective 9-1-88
Consent to immunization may be delegated to other persons, when, RSMo 431.058
Mandatory insurance coverage of immunizations, exceptions, RSMo 376.1215