210.870. Juvenile information governance commission created, members, duties, meetings, annual report.

Juvenile information governance commission created, members, duties,meetings, annual report.

210.870. 1. There is hereby established the "Juvenile InformationGovernance Commission".

2. The commission shall be composed of the following members:

(1) The director of the department of mental health;

(2) The director of the department of health and senior services;

(3) The commissioner of education;

(4) The director of the department of social services;

(5) The director of the division of family services of the department ofsocial services;

(6) The director of the division of youth services of the department ofsocial services;

(7) The state courts administrator;

(8) The superintendent of the highway patrol;

(9) The chief information officer of the office of informationtechnology of the office of administration;

(10) One judge who hears juvenile cases in a circuit comprised of onecounty of the first classification, appointed by the chief justice of thesupreme court;

(11) One judge who hears juvenile cases in a circuit comprised of morethan one county, appointed by the chief justice of the supreme court;

(12) One juvenile officer representing a circuit comprised of one countyof the first classification, appointed by the chief justice of the supremecourt;

(13) One juvenile officer representing a circuit comprised of more thanone county, appointed by the chief justice of the supreme court.

3. The commission shall authorize categories of information to be sharedbetween executive agencies and juvenile and family divisions of the circuitcourts pursuant to section 210.865. The commission shall provide vision,strategy, policy approval and oversight for development and implementation ofagency, law enforcement and juvenile and family court information sharing.The commission may appoint subcommittees to address technical and policyissues associated with information sharing, communication, development andimplementation.

4. The state courts administrator or a designee shall chair thecommission.

5. The commission shall meet as determined by the chair but not lessthan semiannually. A majority of the members of the commission shallconstitute a quorum.

6. No member of the commission shall receive compensation for theperformance of duties associated with membership on the commission.

7. Official minutes of all commission meetings shall be prepared by thechair, distributed to the members and filed by the state courts administrator.

8. The commission shall, on January 1, 2002, and annually thereafter onJanuary first of each succeeding year, transmit a report summarizing thecommission's findings to the general assembly.

(L. 2001 H.B. 236)