210.195. State technical assistance team, duties--regional coordinators, appointment, duties--state child fatality review panel, appointment, duties, findings and recommendations, content.

State technical assistance team, duties--regional coordinators,appointment, duties--state child fatality review panel, appointment,duties, findings and recommendations, content.

210.195. 1. The director of the department of social services shallestablish a special team which shall:

(1) Develop and implement protocols for the evaluation and review ofchild fatalities;

(2) Provide training, expertise and assistance to county childfatality review panels for the review of child fatalities;

(3) When required and unanimously requested by the county fatalityreview panel, assist in the review and prosecution of specific childfatalities; and

(4) The special team may be known as the department of socialservices, state technical assistance team.

2. The director of the department of social services shall appointregional coordinators to serve as resources to child fatality review panelsestablished pursuant to section 210.192.

3. The director of the department of social services shall appoint astate child fatality review panel which shall meet at least biannually toprovide oversight and make recommendations to the department of socialservices, state technical assistance team. The department of socialservices, state technical assistance team shall gather data from localchild fatality review panels to identify systemic problems and shall submitfindings and recommendations to the director of the department of socialservices, the governor, the speaker of the house of representatives, thepresident pro tempore of the senate, the children's services commission,juvenile officers, and the chairman of the local child fatality reviewpanel, at least once a year, on ways to prevent further child abuse andinjury deaths.

(L. 1991 H.B. 185 § 3, A.L. 1994 S.B. 595, A.L. 2000 S.B. 757 & 602)