210.002. Year 2000 plan, agencies to develop, purpose.
Year 2000 plan, agencies to develop, purpose.
210.002. 1. The department of social services, the department of healthand senior services, the department of mental health, the department ofelementary and secondary education, the division of youth services, and thedivision of family services shall cooperate with the children's servicecommission to prepare a detailed, comprehensive "Year 2000 Plan" to providethe preventive services described in subsection 2 of this section.
2. The "Year 2000 Plan" shall provide recommendations for thedevelopment and implementation of coordinated social and health serviceswhich:
(1) Identify early problems experienced by children and their familiesand the services which are adequate in availability, appropriate to thesituation, and effective;
(2) Seek to bring about meaningful change before family situationsbecome irreversibly destructive and before disturbed psychological behavioralpatterns and health problems become severe or permanent;
(3) Serve children and families in their own homes thus preventingunnecessary out-of-home placement or institutionalization;
(4) Focus resources on social and health problems as they begin tomanifest themselves rather than waiting for chronic and severe patterns ofillness, criminality, and dependency to develop which require long-termtreatment, maintenance, or custody;
(5) Reduce duplication of and gaps in service delivery;
(6) Improve planning, budgeting, and communication among these stateagencies serving children and families; and
(7) Develop outcome standards for measuring the effectiveness of socialand health services for children and families.
3. Each such department or division shall cooperate with the commissionto develop a specific plan which shall be made available to the governor andthe members of the general assembly by December 1, 1988.
(L. 1987 S.B. 244 § 2)