210.188. Report to general assembly and governor, contents.
Report to general assembly and governor, contents.
210.188. Beginning February 1, 2006, and each February firstthereafter, the department of social services shall submit a report to thegovernor and the general assembly that includes the following informationfor the previous calendar year:
(1) The number of children who were reported to the state of Missouriduring the year as abused or neglected;
(2) Of the number of children described in subdivision (1) of thissection, the number with respect to whom such reports were substantiated orunsubstantiated;
(3) Of the number of children described in subdivision (2) of thissection:
(a) The number that did not receive or refused services during theyear under a children's division program;
(b) The number that did receive services during the year under astate program; and
(c) The number that were removed from their families during the yearby disposition of the case;
(4) The number of families that received preventive services from thestate or a private service provider during the year;
(5) The number of deaths in the state during the year resulting fromchild abuse or neglect;
(6) Of the number of children described in subdivision (5) of thissection, the number of children who were in foster care or receivedservices from a private service provider;
(7) The number of child protective services workers responsible forthe intake and screening of reports filed during the year;
(8) The agency response time with respect to each such report withrespect to initial investigation of reports of child abuse or neglect;
(9) The response time with respect to the provision of services tofamilies and children where an allegation of abuse or neglect has beenmade;
(10) The number of child protective services workers responsible forintake, assessment, and investigation of child abuse and neglect reportsrelative to the number of reports investigated during the year;
(11) The number of children reunited with their families or receivingfamily preservation services that, within five years, result in subsequentsubstantiated reports of child abuse and neglect, including the death ofthe child; and
(12) The number of children in foster care who have been adopted.
(L. 2004 H.B. 1453)