210.170. Children's trust fund board created--members, appointment--qualifications--terms--vacancies--removal procedure--staff--expenses--office of administration, duties.
Children's trust fund board created--members,appointment--qualifications--terms--vacancies--removalprocedure--staff--expenses--office of administration, duties.
210.170. 1. There is hereby created within the office of administrationof the state of Missouri the "Children's Trust Fund Board", which shall becomposed of twenty-one members as follows:
(1) Twelve public members to be appointed by the governor by and withthe advice and consent of the senate. As a group, the public membersappointed pursuant to this subdivision shall demonstrate knowledge in the areaof prevention programs, shall be representative of the demographic compositionof this state, and, to the extent practicable, shall be representative of allof the following categories:
(a) Organized labor;
(b) The business community;
(c) The educational community;
(d) The religious community;
(e) The legal community;
(f) Professional providers of prevention services to families andchildren;
(g) Volunteers in prevention services;
(h) Social services;
(i) Health care services; and
(j) Mental health services;
(2) A physician licensed pursuant to chapter 334, RSMo;
(3) Two members of the Missouri house of representatives, who shall beappointed by the speaker of the house of representatives and shall be membersof two different political parties;
(4) Two members of the Missouri senate, who shall be appointed by thepresident pro tem of the senate and who shall be members of two differentpolitical parties; and
(5) Four members chosen and appointed by the governor.
2. All members of the board appointed by the speaker of the house or thepresident pro tem of the senate shall serve until their term in the house orsenate during which they were appointed to the board expires. All publicmembers of the board shall serve for terms of three years; except, that of thepublic members first appointed, four shall serve for terms of three years,four shall serve for terms of two years, and three shall serve for terms ofone year. No public members may serve more than two consecutive terms,regardless of whether such terms were full or partial terms. Each membershall serve until his successor is appointed. All vacancies on the boardshall be filled for the balance of the unexpired term in the same manner inwhich the board membership which is vacant was originally filled.
3. Any public member of the board may be removed by the governor formisconduct, incompetency, or neglect of duty after first being given theopportunity to be heard in his or her own behalf.
4. The board may employ an executive director who shall be charged withcarrying out the duties and responsibilities assigned to him or her by theboard. The executive director may obtain all necessary office space,facilities, and equipment, and may hire and set the compensation of such staffas is approved by the board and within the limitations of appropriations forthe purpose. All staff members, except the executive director, shall beemployed pursuant to chapter 36, RSMo.
5. Each member of the board may be reimbursed for all actual andnecessary expenses incurred by the member in the performance of his or herofficial duties. All reimbursements made pursuant to this subsection shall bemade from funds in the children's trust fund appropriated for that purpose.
6. All business transactions of the board shall be conducted in publicmeetings in accordance with sections 610.010 to 610.030, RSMo.
7. The board may accept federal funds for the purposes of sections210.170 to 210.173 and section 143.1000, RSMo, as well as gifts and donationsfrom individuals, private organizations, and foundations. The acceptance anduse of federal funds shall not commit any state funds nor place any obligationupon the general assembly to continue the programs or activities for which thefederal funds are made available. All funds received in the manner describedin this subsection shall be transmitted to the state treasurer for deposit inthe state treasury to the credit of the children's trust fund.
8. The board shall elect a chairperson from among the public members,who shall serve for a term of two years. The board may elect such otherofficers and establish such committees as it deems appropriate.
9. The board shall exercise its powers and duties independently of theoffice of administration except that budgetary, procurement, accounting, andother related management functions shall be performed by the office ofadministration.
(L. 1983 H.B. 550 § 2, A.L. 1999 S.B. 387, et al., A.L. 2002 S.B. 695)