210.127. Diligent search for biological parents required, when.
Diligent search for biological parents required, when.
210.127. 1. If the location or identity of the biological parent orparents of a child in the custody of the division is unknown, thechildren's division shall utilize all reasonable and effective meansavailable to conduct a diligent search for the biological parent or parentsof such child.
2. For purposes of this section, "diligent search" means the effortsof the division, or an entity under contract with the division, to locate abiological parent whose identity or location is unknown, initiated as soonas the division is made aware of the existence of such parent, with thesearch progress reported at each court hearing until the parent is eitheridentified and located or the court excuses further search.
(L. 2004 H.B. 1453)