210.027. Direct payment recipients, child care providers--department's duties.
Direct payment recipients, child care providers--department's duties.
210.027. For child-care providers who receive state or federal fundsfor providing child-care services in the home either by direct payment orthrough reimbursement to a child-care beneficiary, the department of socialservices shall:
(1) Be authorized to revoke the registration of a registered providerfor due cause;
(2) Require providers to be at least eighteen years of age;
(3) Where there are no local ordinances or regulations regardingsmoke detectors, require providers, by rule, to install and maintain anadequate number of smoke detectors in the residence where child care isprovided;
(4) Require providers to be tested for tuberculosis;
(5) Require providers to notify parents if the provider does not haveimmediate access to a telephone;
(6) Make providers aware of local opportunities for training in firstaid and child care.
(L. 1999 H.B. 490 & H.B. 308 § 2)