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Most Popular Legal Definitions


federal system of statutes and courts which permits persons and businesses which are insolvent (debtors) or (in some cases) face potential insolvency, to place their financial affairs under the control of the bankruptcy court; the procedure is that when the debtor's debts exceed their assets or ability to pay, the debtor can file a petition with the bankruptcy court for voluntary bankruptcy or the debtor's unpaid creditors can file an "involuntary" petition to force the debtor into bankruptcy, although voluntary bankruptcy is far more common


1) To make reference to a decision in another case to make a legal point in argument. 2) To give notice of being charged with a minor crime and a date for appearance in court to answer the charge rather than being arrested.


A distinct group or race of people that share history, traditions and culture


unlawful resistance of a superior or constituted authority


An official court document, signed by a judge or bearing an official court seal, which commands the person to whom it is addressed to do something specific.

conditional sentence

a sentence of a person convicted of a crime which allows that person to serve his sentence within their community, subject to supervision and reporting, and fully recoverable in the event of breach of those conditions

inscrutable fault

A judicial finding that a fault has occurred but the court is unable to locate the source, to pinpoint a tortfeasor.


In law, a case for trial which can not be tried during the term; a postponed case.


An amendment to an existing will. The will is only changed to the extent of the codicil.


To cheat through trick, device, false statements or other fraudulent methods with the intent to acquire money or property from another which the swindler is not entitled.