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Most Popular Legal Definitions
a sudden or unexpected event that occurs without foresight. For example, a car
basic law or laws of a nation or a state which sets out how that state will be
organized by deciding the powers and authorities of government
contract law
that body of law which regulates the formation and enforcement of contracts
to be placed at the discretion of a judge in relation to punishable offenses
Agreement of parties to a contract to substitute a new contract for the old one.
A government decision to allow a person who has been convicted of a crime to be
free and absolved of that conviction, as if never convicted.
as is
description of a condition in a sales contract in which the buyer agrees to take
the property without right to complain if it is faulty
lex scripta
Latin, written law; statutes.
implied trust
A trust that is imposed by law onto certain
situations by presuming the intention of the participants to create a trust,
simply because of the facts at hand.
a system of government in which the ruling party
does not represent the populace but functions autonomously controlling nearly
all aspects of both public and private life