210.114. Qualified immunity for private contractor, when--exceptions.

Qualified immunity for private contractor, when--exceptions.

210.114. 1. Except as otherwise provided in section 207.085, RSMo, aprivate contractor, as defined in subdivision (4) of section 210.110, withthe children's division that receives state moneys from the division or thedepartment for providing services to children and their families shall havequalified immunity from civil liability for providing such services whenthe child is not in the physical care of such private contractor to thesame extent that the children's division has qualified immunity from civilliability when the division or department directly provides such services.

2. This section shall not apply if a private contractor describedabove knowingly violates a stated or written policy of the division, anyrule promulgated by the division, or any state law directly related tochild abuse and neglect, or any state law directly related to the childabuse and neglect activities of the division or any local ordinancerelating to the safety condition of the property.

(L. 2005 H.B. 568 merged with S.B. 420 & 344 § 210.116)