210.485. Civil liability, for-profit child-placing agency or residential care facility, when--state exemption.
Civil liability, for-profit child-placing agency or residentialcare facility, when--state exemption.
210.485. 1. Any owner or operator of a for-profit child-placing agencyor residential care facility licensed pursuant to sections 210.481 to 210.536,may be held civilly liable for any injury to another person or damage toproperty which occurs outside such facility and is caused by a child who isabsent without authorization or approval from the facility but who is in thecare of such facility. Such civil liability shall be determined in the samemanner and amounts as provided for parents in section 211.185, RSMo. Nothingin this section shall alter, impair or otherwise affect other claims, rightsor remedies available pursuant to law.
2. The state of Missouri and any political subdivision thereof shall notbe subject to civil liability pursuant to subsection 1 of this section.
(L. 1999 H.B. 490 & H.B. 308)