210.030. Blood tests of pregnant women.
Blood tests of pregnant women.
210.030. 1. Every licensed physician, midwife, registered nurse and allpersons who may undertake, in a professional way, the obstetrical andgynecological care of a pregnant woman in the state of Missouri shall, if thewoman consents, take or cause to be taken a sample of venous blood of suchwoman at the time of the first prenatal examination, or not later than twentydays after the first prenatal examination, and subject such sample to anapproved and standard serological test for syphilis, an approved serologicaltest for hepatitis B and such other treatable diseases and metabolic disordersas are prescribed by the department of health and senior services. In anyarea of the state designated as a syphilis outbreak area by the department ofhealth and senior services, if the mother consents, a sample of her venousblood shall be taken later in the course of pregnancy and at delivery foradditional testing for syphilis as may be prescribed by the department. If amother tests positive for hepatitis B, the physician or person whoprofessionally undertakes the pediatric care of a newborn shall alsoadminister the appropriate doses of hepatitis B vaccine and hepatitis B immuneglobulin (HBIG) in accordance with the current recommendations of the AdvisoryCommittee on Immunization Practices (ACIP). If the mother's hepatitis Bstatus is unknown, the appropriate dose of hepatitis B vaccine shall beadministered to the newborn in accordance with the current ACIPrecommendations. If the mother consents, a sample of her venous blood shallbe taken. If she tests positive for hepatitis B, hepatitis B immune globulin(HBIG) shall be administered to the newborn in accordance with the currentACIP recommendations.
2. The department of health and senior services shall, in consultationwith the Missouri genetic disease advisory committee, make such rulespertaining to such tests as shall be dictated by accepted medical practice,and tests shall be of the types approved by the department of health andsenior services. An approved and standard test for syphilis, hepatitis B, andother treatable diseases and metabolic disorders shall mean a test made in alaboratory approved by the department of health and senior services. Noindividual shall be denied testing by the department of health and seniorservices because of inability to pay.
(L. 1941 p. 367 § 1, A.L. 1986 H.B. 1196, A.L. 1993 H.B. 522, A.L. 1998 H.B. 1419, A.L. 2000 H.B. 1568)