210.147. Confidentiality of family support team meetings, exceptions--form developed for core commitments made at meetings.
Confidentiality of family support team meetings, exceptions--formdeveloped for core commitments made at meetings.
210.147. 1. Except as otherwise provided by law, all informationprovided at any family support team meeting held in relation to the removalof a child from the child's home is confidential; except that:
(1) Any parent or party may waive confidentiality for himself orherself to the extent permitted by law; and
(2) Any parent of the child shall have an absolute right to videoand/or audio tape such team meetings to the extent permitted by law; and
(3) No parent or party shall be required to sign a confidentialityagreement before testifying or providing information at such team meetings.Any person, other than a parent or party, who does not agree to maintainconfidentiality of the information provided at such team meetings may beexcluded from all or any portion of such team meetings during which suchperson is not testifying or providing information.
2. The division shall be responsible for developing a form to besigned at the conclusion of any team meeting held in relation to a childremoved from the home and placed in the custody of the state that reflectsthe core commitments made by the children's division or the convenor of theteam meeting and the parents of the child or any other party. The contentof the form shall be consistent with service agreements or case plansrequired by statute, but not the specific address of the child; whether thechild shall remain in current placement or be moved to a new placement;visitation schedule for the child's family; and any additional corecommitments. Any dissenting views shall be recorded and attested to onsuch form. The parents and any other party shall be provided with a copyof the signed document.
(L. 2004 H.B. 1453)