210.256. Violations, penalties--injunction, procedure.

Violations, penalties--injunction, procedure.

210.256. 1. Any person who violates any provision of sections 210.252to 210.255, or who for such person or for any other person makes a materiallyfalse statement in the notice of parental responsibility required by sections210.254 and 210.255, shall be guilty of an infraction for the first offenseand shall be assessed a fine not to exceed two hundred dollars and shall beguilty of a class A misdemeanor for subsequent offenses. In case such guiltyperson is a corporation, association, institution, or society, the officersthereof who participate in such violation shall be subject to the samepenalties.

2. In addition to initiating proceedings pursuant to subsection 1 ofthis section, or in lieu thereof, the prosecuting attorney of the county wherethe child-care facility is located may file suit for a preliminary andpermanent order overseeing or preventing the operation of a child-carefacility for violating any provision of section 210.252. The injunction shallremain in force until such time as the court determines that the child-carefacility is in substantial compliance.

3. In cases of imminent bodily harm to children in the care of achild-care facility, the department of health and senior services may apply tothe circuit court of the county in which the child-care facility is locatedfor injunctive relief, which may include removing the children from thefacility, overseeing the operation of the facility or closing the facility.

(L. 1993 H.B. 376 § 3, A.L. 1999 H.B. 490 & H.B. 308)