210.832. Pretrial proceedings, informal hearing before master--testimony of party may be compelled, when--physician testimony not privileged, when--bond required when, amount--temporary support order
Pretrial proceedings, informal hearing before master--testimony ofparty may be compelled, when--physician testimony not privileged,when--bond required when, amount--temporary support order issued,when.
210.832. 1. As soon as practicable after an action to declare theexistence or nonexistence of the father and child relationship has beenbrought, the court may order that an informal hearing be held before amaster. The public shall be barred from the hearing. A record of theproceeding or any portion of a proceeding shall be kept if any partyrequests or the court orders. Rules of evidence need not be observed.
2. Upon the refusal of any witness, including a party, to testifyunder oath or produce evidence, the court may order such witness to testifyunder oath and produce evidence concerning all relevant facts. If therefusal is on the ground that the witness' testimony or evidence might tendto incriminate the witness, the court may order that such testimony orevidence is inadmissible in any criminal action against the witness. Ifthe court enters such order, the refusal of a witness to obey an order totestify or produce evidence is civil contempt of court.
3. Testimony of a physician concerning the medical circumstances ofthe pregnancy and the condition and characteristics of the child upon birthis not privileged.
4. Upon motion of a party, the court may require a presumed father topost bond with the court in an amount sufficient to guarantee payment ofsupport for the period between the date the action is commenced and theexpected date of final disposition of the action. In determining theamount of bond, the court shall consider the factors set forth insubsection 5 of section 210.841.
5. Upon motion of a party, the court shall enter a temporary supportorder requiring the provision of child support pending the finaldetermination of parentage if there is clear and convincing evidenceestablishing a presumption of paternity under section 210.822 or anacknowledgment pursuant to section 210.823. In determining the amount ofsuch child support, the court shall comply with subsection 5 of section210.841. The order shall be retroactive to the later of the date ofservice of the motion or the date that any presumption pursuant to section210.822 or an acknowledgment pursuant to section 210.823 first arose.
(L. 1987 S.B. 328 § 10, A.L. 1997 S.B. 361)Effective 7-1-97