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Everything About Facebook Ads Cost
It can seem like everybody's doing it—there are so many ads on Facebook today that average cost per click prices have gone up by 23 percent in just the last few months. Can your law firm handle the cost of Facebook ads? Do Facebook ads cost too much to be worthwhile for your firm's marketing strategy..

Everything About Facebook Advertising Cost
The cost of advertising on Facebook is much lower on a per-click basis than using Google AdWords. While click through rates on Facebook ads have declined by about 8 percent, the cost to advertise on Facebook has actually steadily risen throughout the last year. You'll need to be a savvy business person to..

Everything About Facebook Advertising Coupon
It sounds almost too good to be true: Facebook advertising coupons can actually save you 25, 50, or even hundreds of dollars when you start to advertise with social media. One of the biggest Facebook advertising coupons even gave businesses $200 of advertising credit. With thousands of companies already ..
Everything About Facebook Advertising Rates
The most recent Facebook advertising statistics are astonishing: over $5 billion is projected to be spent by businesses on Facebook advertising this year alone. Perhaps more exciting than this figure is the change from Facebook advertising rates just a few years ago: today's revenues are six times g..

Everything About Facebook Advertising Revenue
Facebook advertising revenues have been steadily increasing ever since the website began implementing ads in 2006. Today Facebook has over 845 million users, and those users have created an advertising behemoth: currently, Facebook advertising revenue figures are around $3.15 billion per year. Keep read..

Everything About Facebook Advertising Strategy
You can find a lot of contradictory information about Facebook advertising strategies online. But with nearly 400,000 people across all demographics signing up for Facebook every day, you need a Facebook advertising strategy that works—fast! Don't wait too much longer to implement new..

Facebook Mobile Presents Numerous Opportunities for Attorneys
Why is Facebook Mobile Beneficial to Attorney Marketing?
A firm can increase its exposure on the internet by adjusting the content on their profile and/or developing a Facebook mobile app. According to a report by comScore in 2012, about 234 Americans use mobile de..

Everything About Facebook PPC
Back just ten years ago, most internet advertisements based their costs in cost per mille (CPM), or cost per 1000 impressions. Today, advertisers have realized that paying for impressions doesn't always lead to conversions, and most law firms now advertise with systems that allow them to pay per click (PPC). Facebo..

Everything About Facebook SEO
SEO on Facebook is critical if you want your social media pages to bring new visitors to your law firm from search engines like Google and Yahoo, and getting Facebook SEO tips can help. Recent studies, however, show that over a third of law firms still don't have a Facebook page. Even firms with Facebook pages ofte..

Everything About Facebook Viral Marketing
While LinkedIn is the most common social media site for lawyers to have a profile on, Facebook is a close second. Studies show that 68 percent of attorneys use Facebook at least once in a while. If your firm wants to get into Facebook viral marketing to get clients, though, it won't necessarily be easy...

As Facebook tries to effectively monetize its social media platform and become sustainably profitable, it has tried several new tactics. One of those tactics is allowing businesses and individuals to “promote” posts on Facebook so that everyone who is connected to you will see the post. Another is graph search, which tries to pull business away fro..

If you ask twenty different search engine optimization marketing professionals how to increase Page Rank, you'll probably get twenty different answers. The problem with asking these pros about ways to increase Page Rank is that many of them are selling their own systems. Keeping sales numbers up sometimes means promoting ideas that are unproven, outdated, or ..

Less than .1% of web pages have a high or very high Google Page Rank value. If you're trying to improve your website's total PR value, you may want to start using a Google page ranking tool. But trying to find the right Google Page Rank tool can feel confusing: there are so many different kinds, and many appear to be basically identical! Which tools..

Video views on Youtube are expected to increase by 50 percent this year alone. With statistics like that, it's clear that law firms need to develop a Youtube strategy that takes into account the increasing popularity of videos and video marketing. But how can you be sure that your strategy will work? Here are five Youtube marketing tips for law..

Foursquare badges, foursquare badge, foursquare badge list
If you're one of the ten million Americans who already uses Foursquare, you've probably already received a Foursquare badge or two. Once you've gotten a few Foursquare badges, finding out how to unlock new ones can become a source of joy—or frustration. In general, though, the entire F..