Search Results

As a lawyer, you're very familiar with the idea that when something looks too good to be true, it probably is. You may have seen search engine marketers who talked about free link exchanges for attorneys, and you may be wondering whether a free link exchange could be the SEO answer you've been looking for. Unfortunately for lawyers, using free link exchan..

There's nothing worse than having an ad that's good enough to be clicked on, but is targeted so poorly that most clickers never look past the first page. For lawyers, geographic targeting can help to eliminate this problem, saving you up to 50 percent on all of your marketing and advertising campaigns online. In this guide, we'll talk about why geogra..

Advertising with Facebook is one of the hottest trends in law firm marketing today. Less than ten percent of firms were doing any Facebook advertising whatsoever just 3 years ago (not even having a firm page!). Today, over half of lawyers have a Facebook presence and more are starting to use Facebook advertising every day. Keep reading to find out six different answers to th..

Before social media and other types of Web 2.0 sites became the norm on the internet, it wasn't really necessary to check your website reputation. Today, however, a website reputation check has become a critical tool in the web marketing arsenal of many law firms. If you haven't tried to check your website reputation yet, this guide will teach you why you..

Small firms can often feel invisible, especially in markets with thousands of other attorneys competing for clients' business. The internet can be a great way to level the playing field—if you know how to use it right. SEO for small business can vault your firm into the top page of search results for searches that bring in real, paying clients. ..

Less than a third of marketing professionals are currently using a backlinks checker. Using one of these tools can be the best way to make sure that your website will be safe from changes to Google. With so many options for a free backlink checker, finding the right one can seem tough. Keep reading this guide and you'll find out not only how a backlinks..

Outbound links are everywhere online. Until relatively recently, Google limited the number of outbound links that could pass on their link juice to new websites. Today, that's no longer the case, but outbound linking has become so complicated that you may want to use an outbound link checker. These tools can help you to check outbound links both on your..

Is your firm having trouble learning how to get high PR backlinks for free? Have you been considering a deal to buy high PR backlinks, because you don't know how to find them for yourself? Don't worry—it's not nearly as hard to get high PR backlinks as you think. Keep reading this guide to find out some creative ways to obtain high PR back..

If you're using a lot of reciprocal links, you may need to know whether they'll start having a negative impact on your SERPs. After Google's Penguin and Panda updates, 15 percent of websites were penalized for having excessive optimization—and one of the biggest red flags for over optimization is having too many reciprocal links. In this guide, ..

With 860,000 businesses currently reviewed on Yelp, there has never been a better time to start a legal marketing campaign on the site. Advertising on Yelp can be very rewarding for law firms, and Yelp advertising is relatively easy to set up whether you're a solo practitioner or a big firm. This guide will give you 7 of the best rules for advertising on Yelp..

Millions of websites today are working on building an artificial link presence that isn't really based on quality content and fair play. Instead, they're gaming the system and creating an artificial link structure designed explicitly to rocket them to the top of the search rankings. However, every time you create an artificial link, you're leaving a t..

According to, Youtube has now become the fourth most popular website in the entire world. With over 70 percent of web viewers using Youtube at least occasionally, advertising on Youtube has now become a great way for attorneys to get their names heard by the people most likely to give them a call. In this brief guide, you'll find out why Youtube adv..

If a tree falls in the forest and no one can hear it, does it make a sound? If your law firm Youtube video gets released and no one but you sees it, does it make an impact? The first question has been debated for centuries, but the answer to the second one is clear: using Youtube for business requires viewers, no matter what. Learning how to get more Youtub..