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The hit TV series Boardwalk Empire is set in the Prohibition Era of the 1920s, but the lessons that it teaches about leadership and entrepreneurship are timeless. Nucky Thompson, the boss gangster of the series, has successes and failures that are directly attributable to following or failing to follow points of advice that are just as true for law firms—whether ..

One of the most successful television and film franchises of all time, Star Trek has an obsessive fan base and stories that are often timeless. In this guide, we'll take a look at lessons that law firms can learn from the show's characters or its marketing—lessons that are just as useful in today's pre-warp society as they are in the future of the Fed..

In today's legal marketing world online, it can be easy to think that the only strategies that will work are the ones developed this minute, for specific problems like a new Google search algorithm. What might surprise you is how much legal marketing wisdom you can find in older sources. Maybe the writer from the longest time ago who'd have something v..

If you're a plaintiff side labor and employment attorney, you may be looking for new ways to pursue your marketing plan. In today's economy, it's more important than ever to have innovative ways to find new clients. Fortunately for attorneys, the economy today has also led to employers slacking when it comes to following employment regulati..

When you put together your law firm website, there are several pages that you should have no matter what other content you decide to include. But what are the must have web pages for a law firm website? Ideally, you want the pages you have on your site to be designed to draw in conversions, and to give enough information to clients for them to make an important d..

Your website reputation should be one of your most prized business possessions when you work in a law firm. Having a great reputation can get you new clients on a consistent basis—but if you lose that reputation, the clients will dry up. It's no longer enough to sit back and take a passive approach. Website reputation management services work with..

Running a free link popularity check tool isn't difficult, but most law firms aren't using a link popularity checker yet. Why not? It may be that many lawyers haven't yet really grasped how important link popularity is for their websites—so they don't even know that a link popularity check could be useful. If you're not sure whethe..

Marketing with SEO techniques has become one of the most important ways that many attorneys today get new business. 53 percent of small business owners in 2011 said that SEO marketing was “very important” for ensuring the future success of their company. Whether you're using one of the hundreds of SEO marketing services to help you get the most ou..

You went to the meetings, you brainstormed, you came up with great strategies for your social media plan in 2013. The problem is, now that you're implementing the strategies you developed, they don't seem to be working the way you'd hoped. While huge majorities of law firms are now using social media to some extent, only a very small fracti..

Over 80 percent of law firms now have a social media presence, and the social networking trend shows no signs of subsiding yet. Instead, social media has become part of people's lives who traditionally have not been in “techie” demographics, including older people and women. While no law firm needs to use every social networking website out the..

Today, you probably already know that it isn't enough to just build inbound links to your website if you want to get to the top page. A quality inbound link counts for more, and if you're not building quality inbound links, Google will take notice. It penalized over 10 percent of web pages for building links from easy-to-game press release and article mar..

It's become a much trickier world in just the last year for lawyers who want to build link popularity. When 2012 started, it was still very possible to do link popularity building through automated services, which could get thousands of inbound links for your site in a matter of hours or days. Now, Google has penalized over ten percent of websites for using t..

Over half of marketers think that creating content is the hardest part of their job duties. That's even more true for attorneys, who often try to juggle marketing responsibilities at small firms and don't necessarily know how to produce effective social content. In this guide, we'll go over some tips for making content that is interactive a..

While the social media world has never been bigger—and has never been a better place to market your business—it can be difficult to keep track of everything that's being said about your law firm in the social media sphere. If you're worried about what people are saying about you, or if you just want to make sure that your customer service..

Okay, let's face it: attorneys don't learn anything about creating or maintaining a website when they go to law school. Many lawyers don't realize until they have their own firm how critical marketing is to law firm success, and lawyers in surveys list marketing as among their least favorite responsibilities. The days when attorneys could m..