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What is the Federal Court?
The term Federal Court is often used to describe the court
system present in the United States, which possesses jurisdictional powers at
the national level. The Federal Court system thus oversees matters that concern
the United States Constitution and the Federal laws, regulations and rules
which govern the nation. The Federal Court, throu..

Acquittal is a legal term which refers to the formal designation of a criminal defendant as free from all charges. A criminal defendant can be acquitted at any stage of the criminal process. Once a defendant is acquitted of criminal charges, double jeopardy rules does not allow the defendant to be charged with the same criminal charges twice. Therefore, acqui..

What does additur mean?
Additur is a term that describes when a jury awards a certain amount of damages but the judge then increases the damages awarded to the plaintiff. This action by a trial judge is not permitted in U.S. federal courts, but some states have allowed for additur in the past.
What is the Opposite of additur?
The opposite is c..

The Legality of Using an AliasAn alias is a name other than the legal one of a person that can be used for many different reasons. An alias can be used for in family names in order to distinguish individuals from other families who use the same last name. It can also be used by writers who wish to use a pen name or just for individuals to need to maintain anonymity. Genera..

An alibi is a form of defense used in legal proceedings and trials that shows that a defendant was not in a location where the alleged offense occurred. The alibi defense relies on the idea that the defendant is in fact actually innocent and has not committed the alleged crime. When an alibi defense is used by a defendant, the appropriate strategy for the defense is to work to ..
The Allahabad High Court is a source of judicial authority also referred to as the High Court of Judicature at Allahabad. The Allahabad High Court is based out of and provides for the legal needs of Uttar Pradesh, a state of India.In the history of the country as a whole, the Allahabad High Court is noted as being one of the earliest high courts to have been founded in the wake..

The Legal Application of AmnestyAmnesty law is a law is retroactively placed in order to exempt a specific group of individuals. It has been traditionally used as a political tool in order to compromise and allow reunion after a war. An act of amnesty is normally given to a group of people who have allegedly committed crimes against the state, such as rebellion, treason, or des..

Arbitrary DecisionsThe word arbitrary is derived from the Latin work arbitrarius, meaning the source of arbiter, who is the person who must judge a particular matter. In legal terms, an arbitrary judgment is a legal decision decided at the discretion of a judge, and is a decision that is not one that is fixed by law.When a decision is arbitrary, it means that the decision is no..

Bona Fide ContractsBona fide is Latin for “in good faith” or without any deceit or fraud. When looking at the law, something being bona fide is most often related to contract law. The law requires all parties in a contract to act in a bona fide manner. If a party has failed to do so, the contract can potentially be voided at the pleasure of the other party. If a contra..

What is Cadena temporal?
This is a form of punishment used within the Philippine legal system. This punishment includes chained imprisonment for 12 years and one day along with hard labor. The punishment also deprives the prisoner of basic civil rights and may subject them to a lifetime of surveillance by the government.

Caveat is the Latin term that simply means to “beware of” something. It serves to be a warning or a notice. In a legal term, caveat can just refer to a formal legal notice sent to a public officer or a court to suspend a specific proceeding until the person who sent the notice receives a hearing.The term was more often used in the past by an individual objecting to the appo..

Caveat Emptor: Being a Careful CustomerCaveat emptor, which is Latin for “let the buyer beware” is the idea that a buyer should be responsible for reasonably examining an item before choosing to buy it. By doing so, the buyer is responsible for the condition of the product. This is often applied to items that are not covered by a strict warranty. In the United States, cavea..

Circuit CourtThe modern Circuit Court system involves thirteen Circuit Courts of Appeals. There are eleven numbered Circuit Courts, the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, and the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. The only one of these Circuit Courts that is not restricted by geography is the United States Court of Appeals ..

The Connecticut probate court is a court system that has been a work in progress and development for over 300 years. The main goal of the CT probate court is to provide efficient services and law to individuals who are looking for help and justice in the Connecticut probate court. The CT probate court handles a variety of different, yet very sensitive cases. Some of these ..

The legal institution of the Rajasthan High Court serves the judicial functions for the state of this name as is located in the nation of India. In this regard, the court of Rajasthan state can be traced back to the 1949 passage of the legislative package of the Rajasthan High Court Ordinance, in the wake of the nation securing its independence from the authority which had prev..