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What is the United States Department of Justice?The Department of Justice – commonly referred to as the ‘DOJ’, is a federal agency within the Executive Branch of the government responsible for the supervision of all sub divisions, agencies, and department existing under the United States Department of Justic; amongst the most primary objectives of the Department of Justic..

The United States attorney general is the superior of the Department of Justice. Attorney generals are considered to be the chief lawyer and are heavily involved with legal affairs. Attorney generals are the chief law enforcement officers. As an attorney general, an individual is considered a member of the President’s Cabinet, although they do not receive a title. Attorn..
The Department of justice is organized into separate divisions, each of which handles specific issues. The goal of the departments of Justice is to defend the laws of the country, prevent the carrying out of foreign and domestic threats and punishing and controlling crime in the country. The Department of Justice also seeks to take actions which ensure justice for all Americans..