Facebook Advertising Strategy For Your Firm
Everything About Facebook Advertising Strategy You can find a lot of contradictory information about Facebook advertising strategies online. But with nearly 400,000 people across all demographics signing up for Facebook every day, you need a Facebook advertising strategy that works—fast! Don't wait too much longer to implement new Facebook advertising strategies . . . if you do, you'll risk costs for direct ads climbing even higher and losing out on some of the great benefits from using Facebook now. Facebook Advertising Strategy #1: Mix It Up! Too many law firms are pressed for time when implementing Facebook advertising strategies, and don't change which ads their customers are seeing on a frequent enough basis. About a third of Facebook advertisements worldwide are only shown for 1-4 days, and that kind of frequency is about what your firm should aim for. When using Facebook, people notice what's new. If your advertising looks like it's getting stale, you may need a new campaign or a whole new Facebook advertising strategy. Instead of using traditional direct ads, consider Facebook advertising strategies like using polling ads to engage your fans and friends. You can also mix up your Facebook advertising strategy by changing what times of day and days of the week you run your ads. Doing this kind of testing can tell you a lot about when you are most likely to be successful with Facebook advertising strategies. Facebook Advertising Strategy #2: Know Your Target Because you can target your ads on Facebook to very narrow demographics, you should make sure that you've thought about who you want to reach. Not every target will respond to the same type of advertisement, and you can segment your ads to reach different parts of the market with the messages that speak to them most. Testing several ads with your target demographics can help you refine your Facebook advertising strategies for maximum return. You can also target hyperlocal areas in order to make sure that your advertisements are only being seen by people who are in your geographic region and would be likely to become clients. Playing with the various demographic options available for your use can help you decide what your newest Facebook advertising strategies will be. There's nothing wrong with having a hunch and spending a little bit of money to figure out whether your Facebook advertising strategy idea is right. Facebook Advertising Strategy #3: Make Your Images and Text Stand Out In repeated studies, the best Facebook advertising strategies for direct ads have involved asking questions in your ad. If you can think of a legal question that a potential client may be having, try to phrase it as a question that they might ask you. You should pick images that convey professionalism, not ones that have the ability to shock or provoke your audience. Simple, non-threatening pictures like stock photos of women smiling can often be the most effective at bringing clients to your website. Never let the same image stay with your ads for more than a couple of weeks. After this very brief time period has elapsed, most Facebook advertising strategies require you to try a new picture. This isn't because the old picture isn't working (it may or may not be), but rather because people stop seeing ads when they look exactly the same day in and day out. Facebook Advertising Strategy #4: If it Doesn't Work—Try Something Else! There are too many great Facebook advertising strategies to stick it out with a losing idea. Once you've given a new Facebook advertising strategy a fair shot, even if it's just for a week, feel free to toss it overboard in favor of new strategies if it's not working out how you'd planned. This is especially true if you're seeing very high cost per click numbers but aren't getting a lot of click throughs or any movement of your key performance indicators. What you've spent is already wasted—don't waste more by continuing to implement failing Facebook advertising strategies long after you've proven to your own satisfaction that they weren't useful. Facebook Advertising Strategy #5: Why You Need Landing Pages, Fast Okay, so it may not be fun to develop a different landing page for each segment of your target market. Even so, studies have shown that targeted landing pages are one of the most effective Facebook advertising strategies for increasing engagement and decreasing bounce rates. When potential clients click through one of your ads, only to find that you've linked to your main website, they'll have to deal with a confusing path of links just to get to a contact form. More often than not, this means that all of your Facebook advertising strategies designed to generate clicks will fail, because those clicks will never turn into the results you want. A landing page lets clients know that you know why they clicked your ad, and that you're prepared to give them help right away with the problem they're having. You can try experimenting with different Facebook advertising strategies for landing pages, so that you can find out which landing page designs seem most effective and which aren't converting as many clients as you'd like. Facebook Advertising Strategy #6: It IS a Popularity Contest—Well, Sort Of What are the overall goals of your Facebook advertising strategies? Do you just want to make your firm more popular, with more “likes” and more links? Or do you actually want to build a foundation of new business using social media? If your firm wants real results, you'll need to keep tracking and analyzing the data you get after implementing different Facebook advertising strategies. But even if you don't think new business is coming in because of Facebook, you could be wrong. Many people still research companies on Facebook and other social media websites before deciding to use their services. A great looking Facebook page can help you get better reach within your community and beyond—and that can pay dividends beyond just direct responses.
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