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What is Bilingual Education?Bilingual education refers to teaching academic content in two distinct languages; both the native language and a secondary language, with varying amounts of each language, is used in accordance with a program model in a bilingual education course. Types of Bilingual Education Programs:Transitional Bilingual education refers to teaching a course..
A Body Mass Index (BMI) calculator is a measure of a person's weight and height to determine whether that person is at a healthy weight. The bmi calculator can give you an idea whether you are overweight or underweight compared to the accepted normal weight for your height and gender. BMI calculators are designed to provide a general idea of healthy weight. I..

What is Early Childhood Education?Early childhood education is a term that is used to commonly describe the formal teaching and care of young children by individuals or professionals other than their family or in settings outside the child’s home. Based on the definition provided by the National Association for the Education of Young Children, early childhood education spans ..

What is Education Law?Education law is a formal set of rules and regulations that were established to guide the workings and goals of a particular education system. The majority of regions in the United States possess a detailed educational law system to create a comprehensive educational policy. Educational law is a comprehensive field that may deal with the creation and fundi..
An education policy is the collection of rules and regulations that are implemented in an educational system. Because of the various aspects and types of education, an education policy will differ quite greatly. Furthermore, there are also state and federal education policies implemented which meant to govern educational systems on a larger scale. Also, an education policy..

FERPA for Students and ParentsThe Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, or the FERPA is a Federal law expressed in Title 20, section 1232 of the United States Code that protects the privacy of student education records. The act applies to all schools that receive any funds under an applicable federal program of the United States Department of Education.FERPA give parents c..

What is FERPA?FERPA (short for the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act) is a Federal law that guards the privacy of student education records. FERPA is applied to all schools that receive funds under any applicable programs of the United States Department of Education. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) delivers certain rights to parents with respe..

The Fulbright ProgramThe Fulbright program is sponsored by the Bureau of Educational & Cultural affairs under the United States Department of State. The program provides funding not only for students, but also teachers, scholars, and professionals who plan to take advance research, graduate study, and teaching on an elementary, secondary and university level.The mission of ..

Different Types of Fulbright scholarshipsThe Fulbright Scholarship is an international educational exchange program that was established in 1946 under the legislation introduced by former Senator J. William Fulbright. Today the Fulbright scholarship is sponsored by the Bureau of Educational & Cultural affairs under the United States Department of State.Every year, Fulbright..

What is the Ministry of Education?Several countries throughout the world possess government departments known as the Ministry of Education. For this article, we will discuss the Ministry of Education of India, also known as the Ministry of Human Resource Development. The Ministry of Education of India is a part of the government of India, responsible for the development of huma..

Guide to GPA Calculators
A GPA calculator is used to determine a students grade point average over a specified time. Grad point averages are used to determine a student's academic performance compared to other students in the same class or institution.
GPA calculators can come in several different forms, as there are various methods for cal..
[[Page 118 STAT. 2647]]
Public Law 108-446
108th Congress
An Act
To reauthorize the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act,

No Child Left Behind Full Text:SEC. 1. SHORT TITLE Begun and held at the City of Washington on Wednesday,the third day of January, two thousand and oneAn Act To close the achievement gap with accountability, flexibility, and choice, so that no child is left behind.Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress asse..

School Violence Statistics of the United States
School violence is a subcategory of youth violence, which is a much broader public health problem that affects American society. Youth violence has to do with the intentional use of power or physical force by a young individual between 10 and 24 years old against another person, community, or group. The result of the youthâ..

University of Mississippi School of Law
The University of Mississippi School of Law is a well-regarded public law school located in Oxford, Mississippi. The school well known for five programs which it operates in addition to the regular legal training that forms the core of its curriculum. Perhaps the most prominent program administered by the U..