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As many as 90 percent of lawyers in recent surveys have said that they have a LinkedIn page. However, the vast majority of attorneys who use LinkedIn are not using the service as well as they could be. It's not enough to just build a profile and leave. In this guide, we'll take a look at why LinkedIn is one of the best—perhaps the single best&..

If you've got accounts on any social media websites, you may already be a part of some online profile directory. Twitter is the newest website to get onboard with the profile directory craze. They recently released online profile directories allowing users to browse accounts, and Google has already indexed over half a million pages from this directory alone.&..

If you are considering downloading a Page Rank toolbar or a page ranking tool, you need to understand your options first. Law firm marketing professionals have recently started understanding how important it is to track PR values for their web pages. A Page Rank tool can make it substantially easier to analyze and record the results of your marketing campaigns on..

Free social bookmarking has created a new landscape for web marketers hoping to increase the number of inbound links coming to their websites. With so many spammers trying to post links on free social bookmarking sites, though, it can be difficult to market good links effectively without being seen as just part of the spam problem. In this guide, you'll learn..

A few years ago, when less than a quarter of law firms were using any social media platforms at all, just being part of social media sites was an indicator that your law firm understood the technological landscape better than most. Today, though, 9 in 10 law firms are using social media in some way, and 7 in 10 have specific social media plans for 2013. ..

2012 has been a year of incredibly big changes for businesses involved in online marketing, including law firms. Google Panda and Penguin are two of the code names for two of the biggest changes to how Google, the internet's most used search engine, ranks search engine results. These changes only affected about 1 website out of every 6—but th..

At a 2009 music festival in Austin called SXSW (South by Southwest), two remarkably similar social networks were charging ahead at full speed. Gowalla and Foursquare were both social platforms that allowed users to check in to various locations, letting other people know where they were and what they were doing. Soon, Gowalla vs. Foursquare was the biggest battle in ge..

If you want to get ahead in the social media game—and, with over half of legal referrals now coming from online sources, who doesn't?—you need to understand the right and wrong ways to engage with the internet community at large. If you don't seem internet savvy, it's easy to make rookie mistakes that can actually affect people's ..

According to surveys, only 26 percent of law firms currently have a firm wide Twitter account that is being used for marketing purposes. That's such a small number that any lawyer getting into the Twitter game still has a lot of room to define his or her brand and make a name for himself or herself. One of the most difficult aspects of Twitter marketing to ma..

Everything About Hosted Web Analytics
With over 50% of Fortune 500 companies using hosted web analytics tools, you may have begun to think about what kind of web analytics you need. There are a wide variety of hosted and self-hosted solutions that can help you track and analyze visitor data, but trying to figure out which tool you want can be a hass..

Over two thirds of businesses using Twitter aren't doing analysis of their hashtags or their Twitter reach. Whether you're starting to use Twitter by creating your own hashtags or by using other people's pre-existing tags, you may wonder how much of an effect your tweets are really having. Hashtag tracking is a great way to monitor your Twitter market..

Don't believe the hype: reciprocal linking is a long way from dead. And for as long as reciprocal links are here to stay, reciprocal link checker software can help you to make sure that your linking partners are holding up their end of the bargain and helping your search engine optimization efforts. In this guide, we'll take a detailed look into why a law..

The most popular Twitter hashtags can see traffic in truly insane amounts—sometimes hundreds or even thousands of posts per minute. Getting a handle on the most popular hashtags is a good idea if you're planning to use Twitter as a law firm marketing tool. In this guide, we'll show you how to find popular hashtags (including popular Twitter hashtags..

Today, many legal professionals already know why to advertise on Facebook. Advertisements on Facebook reach a billion people worldwide. Instead, most legal marketing professionals have moved on to asking how to advertise on Facebook. Keep reading to learn how to get your advertisements on Facebook and in front of the right people.
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Important Considerations for a Twitter Advertisement
How to Advertise on Twitter
According to SBW Advertising, the revenue that Twitter makes off of advertising is expected to equal $540 million by 2014.
Strategies will likely adjust on how to advertise on Twitter because of increased usage on mobile phones because, for..