7 Pages Every Law Firm Website Should Have
When you put together your law firm website, there are several pages that you should have no matter what other content you decide to include. But what are the must have web pages for a law firm website? Ideally, you want the pages you have on your site to be designed to draw in conversions, and to give enough information to clients for them to make an important decision to give your firm a call. This guide will help you understand what the must-have basic web pages are for a basic law firm website while also discussing why these pages are so important.
#1: Attorney Biographies
The single most looked at page on attorney and law firm websites before a client calls the office is the attorney biography. This means that if your attorney bio is just a list of awards and some very generic copy, you may be hurting your own bottom line in a big way. Typically, clients won't just want to see your awards and honors, though they may want to see those, too, so make sure to include them—usually toward the bottom of the page. Keep in mind that most people who want to see these honors will scroll through to see whether you have them. Seeing them first can be intimidating for other clients, who may be more interested in seeing an attorney's personality than their list of proudest moments.
Your attorney biography should generally be conversational and informative. It should feel personal without feeling like oversharing, and should stay free of legal jargon as much as possible. Maintaining a tone that even a client who has never visited an attorney before can understand, without condescension, is the best way to generate conversions from your attorney biography.
#2: Firm News
Every law firm should have a news updates page, and this updates page should automatically create headlines on your home page. This gives you a way to showcase new attorneys or staff changes, as well as to publicize your successes in and out of the courtroom.
There's also a search engine optimization reason to have a firm news page. As long as you update the firm news section of your website relatively frequently, you will be updating your home page as well—and Google and Bing prefer websites that have frequently updated content. If you're using the same stale content for months and months, you'll start to slip in search engine rankings in favor of firms that are updating more regularly. Having a firm news page makes it easy for you to do small updates without having to just do busy work.
#3: Firm “About Us” Page
In addition to your attorney biographies, you should also have an overall firm “about us” section that explains how your firm was formed and the values that drive your partners and associates. This page lets you express your brand voice clearly and succinctly. Don't make this page too long, and try to make it contain more of the personal than the platitudinous.
#4: Specialty Practice Area Pages
Almost every law firm today is a firm made up of specialists, not generalists. Your firm's specialty areas are the biggest way that you'll be found by people searching for law firms using Google, Bing, or Yahoo. If you're not actively marketing these specialty areas with specific web pages or even microsites designed specifically for addressing the concerns of clients needing services in these legal areas, you're not doing everything you can to drive conversions.
If you're an attorney whose practice is consumer oriented, you may want to consider adding your price structure to the pages outlining your specialty areas. One of the biggest questions today's consumers have about legal services is how much a lawyer is going to cost. With the economy still limping, understanding costs can make it easier for people to contact a lawyer while feeling assured of their ability to successfully pay your fee.
#5: Consultation Information Page
You should also consider having a specific web page that details what a first consultation at your law firm is like. By helping consumers understand what they're likely to encounter at the consultation, you're helping them to gain the confidence that they need to place what can be a very anxiety-provoking phone call. This will also help you to avoid the problem of people calling for a consultation, then no-showing when it comes time for their actual appointment. By alleviating fears, you make for more informed, more at ease clients.
Your consultation information page should stay jargon free and tell people what they should bring to their consultation, in addition to information about how you will decide whether to accept a case and how fees will be determined.
#6: Frequently Asked Questions
A Frequently Asked Questions, or FAQ, page contains questions that your law firm is asked on a routine basis. Many people will actually look for a FAQ when they have a question about a business, so having one of these pages is crucial for drawing in this market segment and giving them all the information they need in one place.
Your FAQ page can and should link to other pages on your website when those pages are relevant and contain more detailed information than is appropriate for the FAQ. Typically, FAQ answers should be no more than one or two paragraphs long. This is also a good place to dispel any myths that people often come to your office believing—just a few lines on a FAQ may be able to help people understand your profession and the particulars of their case a little bit better.
#7: Contact Form
Of course, every law firm's website should have a contact form page. If you don't have a contact form and only allow contact through the phone or an email address, you won't be able to track how new clients moved through your website before deciding to contact you, which means that you lose a significant amount of information about what is and isn't working to drive conversions.
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