Chapter 167 Pupils and Special Services
- 167.018. Foster care education bill of rights--school district liaisons to be designated, duties.
- 167.019. Placement decisions, agencies to consider foster child's school attendance area--right to remain in certain districts--course work to be accepted--graduation requirements--rulemaking auth
- 167.020. Registration requirements--residency--homeless child or youth defined--recovery of costs, when--records to be requested, provided, when.
- 167.022. Request for records, placed pupils.
- 167.023. Affidavit of expulsion for certain offenses required for student admission--false statements, penalty.
- 167.026. Expungement of disciplinary records, exception.
- 167.029. School uniforms.
- 167.031. School attendance compulsory, who may be excused--nonattendance, penalty--home school, definition, requirements--school year defined--daily log, defense to prosecution--compulsory attendance
- 167.034. Absences in St. Louis City reported to division of family services, children's division, when, notification requirements--duties of children's division.
- 167.042. Home school, declaration of enrollment, contents--filing with recorder of deeds or chief school officer--fee.
- 167.051. Compulsory attendance of part-time schools.
- 167.052. Applicability of compulsory attendance and part-time school requirements for metropolitan school districts.
- 167.061. Penalty for violating compulsory attendance law.
- 167.071. School attendance officers in seven-director districts, powers and duties--powers of police officers in certain areas.
- 167.091. Truant or parental schools, establishment--attendance may be compelled--neglected children, attendance--support payments.
- 167.101. Certain persons may administer oaths and take affidavits--issuance of certificates.
- 167.111. Officials to enforce compulsory attendance law.
- 167.113. Compliance with federal laws relating to pupil rights required.
- 167.115. Juvenile officer or other law enforcement authority to report to superintendent, when, how--superintendent to report certain acts, to whom--notice of suspension or expulsion to court--superin
- 167.117. Principal, teachers, school employees to report certain acts, to whom, exceptions--limit on liability--penalty.
- 167.121. Assignment of pupil to another district--tuition, how paid, amount--lapsed, unaccredited, and provisionally unaccredited districts, enrollment in virtual school permitted.
- 167.122. Placed pupils, notification of district, distribution of information.
- 167.123. Notification to superintendent, when, manner--responsibility of superintendent upon notification--confidentiality of information.
- 167.126. Children admitted to certain programs or facilities, right to educational services--school district, per pupil cost, payment--inclusion in average daily attendance, payments in lieu of taxes,
- 167.131. District not accredited shall pay tuition and transportation, when--amount charged.
- 167.141. Amount deductible from per pupil cost in computing tuition to be added to apportionment of district of residence, when.
- 167.151. Admission of nonresident and other tuition pupils--certain pupils exempt from tuition--school tax credited against tuition--owners of agricultural land in more than one district, options, not
- 167.161. Suspension or expulsion of pupil--notice--hearing--felony violation, grounds for suspension.
- 167.164. Suspension or expulsion not to relieve duty to educate--district to pay costs of alternative education--voucher--district may contract for alternative education services.
- 167.166. Prohibition on strip searches, exceptions--strip search defined--violation, penalty--prohibition on removal of certain items not deemed disruptive.
- 167.171. Summary suspension of pupil--appeal--grounds for suspension--procedure--conference required, when--statewide suspension, when.
- 167.181. Immunization of pupils against certain diseases compulsory--exceptions--records--to be at public expense, when--fluoride treatments administered, when--rulemaking authority, procedure.
- 167.183. Immunization records, disclosure, to whom--disclosure for unauthorized purpose, liability.
- 167.191. Children with contagious diseases not to attend school--penalty.
- 167.194. Vision examination required, when--rulemaking authority--components of the examination--sunset provision.
- 167.195. Eye screening required, when--recording of results--children's vision commission established, members, duties.
- 167.201. School lunch program--funds--duties of state board.
- 167.208. Allergy prevention and response policy required, contents--model policy authorized.
- 167.211. School boards may provide for sale of lunches to children.
- 167.221. Lunch programs in urban districts--managers and assistants, designation, duties--deposit and withdrawal of funds.
- 167.223. High school may offer postsecondary course options--fees.
- 167.225. Definitions--instruction in Braille for visually impaired students--teacher certification.
- 167.227. Summer school programs--attendance outside of district--funding, cooperation among districts.
- 167.229. Model school wellness program established, purpose--grants awarded, use of moneys--rulemaking authority--sunset provision.
- 167.231. Transportation of pupils by districts, except metropolitan--mileage limits for state aid--extra transportation, district expense--election, ballot form.
- 167.232. Tax for extra transportation may be rescinded, procedure.
- 167.241. Transportation of pupils to another district.
- 167.251. Board to prescribe rules and regulations--driver to give bond--fund charged with transportation expenses.
- 167.260. Program for developmentally delayed, ages three and four--program for children from at-risk families.
- 167.263. Teacher assistants, grades kindergarten through three--program established--eligibility--application for assistance--rules, promulgation, procedure.
- 167.265. Guidance counselors, grades kindergarten through nine--eligibility--application.
- 167.268. Policy for reading intervention plans, grades kindergarten through three--contents--state board to develop guidelines--individual reading intervention plan to be developed.
- 167.270. Specialized courses of instruction--pupils at risk of dropping out--pregnant teens and teen mothers.
- 167.273. Program of parent education--pregnant teens, teen parents--at-risk families, characteristics--potential dropouts, characteristics.
- 167.275. Dropouts to be reported to state literacy hot line--availability of information on web site.
- 167.278. Chief school officers to provide information on postsecondary financial assistance.
- 167.280. Support services for students at high risk--application, elements--priority applications, elements--use of funds--allowable costs.
- 167.290. Citation of law.
- 167.292. Definitions.
- 167.294. Program established--appropriations--administration.
- 167.296. Extended day child care fund established--administration--use of funds--expenses.
- 167.298. Board may promulgate rules and regulations, procedure.
- 167.300. Application for grant--matching contributions--reapplication.
- 167.302. Grants--amounts--distribution.
- 167.304. Approval of grant, criteria--standards to be met.
- 167.306. Program enrollment priorities--adoption of priorities prerequisite for approval of grant--fee schedule--waiver of fees.
- 167.308. District shall not require nor prohibit personnel to participate in program.
- 167.310. Program shall be self-supporting--sources of revenues--use of revenues.
- 167.320. Citation of law--area vocational learning center defined.
- 167.322. System of alternative education established--eligibility, qualifications.
- 167.324. Area vocational learning centers to provide services--responsibility for academic and vocational assessment--basic skills instruction.
- 167.326. Transportation.
- 167.328. May attend area vocational learning center on full- or part-time basis.
- 167.330. Classes--number of students--offered, when.
- 167.332. Department to evaluate and assess needs--detailed instruction plan to be submitted--receipt of state aid--year-end student reports--new centers funded on priority basis.
- 167.335. Alternative education grants--qualifications--joint applications.
- 167.340. Read to be ready program--certain students to increase average daily attendance--reading improvement instruction.
- 167.343. Reading assessment costs, competitive matching grant program--application--requirements--reimbursement of district's funds, when--allocation of grants.
- 167.346. List of recommended reading assessments--state board's duties--department's duties--rules.
- 167.349. Charter schools, establishment.
- 167.600. Definitions--nonseverability.
- 167.603. Grants to assist public schools health services, preference--rules--Medicaid payment incentives.
- 167.606. Plan to encourage public schools and school districts to be Medicaid providers--services which may be provided, scope of services--who may provide services--employment of personnel.
- 167.609. Underwriting of costs, determination of amount, assessment--disbursement transfer to health initiatives fund, arrangement--method of disbursement of funds--procedure.
- 167.611. Advisory committee may be established, members, duties and powers--consent form, checklist, prerequisite--identification of family practitioner--distribution of contraceptive devices and drug
- 167.614. Discontinuance of participation.
- 167.617. Continuation of services previously provided.
- 167.619. Most accessible care to be provided--discrimination prohibited.
- 167.621. Authorization of parent or guardian, prerequisite--administration of medicine, first aid, immunity.
- 167.624. Lifesaving training--CPR.
- 167.627. Possession and self-administration of medication in school--requirements.
- 167.630. Epinephrine prefilled auto syringes, school nurse authorized to maintain adequate supply--administration authorized, when.
- 167.640. Student promotion conditioned on remediation--tutorial activities and other suggested programs.
- 167.645. Reading assessments required, when--reading improvement plan required, when--additional reading instruction required, when--retention in grade permitted, when.
- 167.680. After-school retreat reading and assessment program established--grants awarded, procedure--fund created--rulemaking authority.
- 167.700. Involvement of parents and families, state board and school districts to adopt policies, content--review of policies.
- 167.720. Physical education required--definitions.