167.018. Foster care education bill of rights--school district liaisons to be designated, duties.
Foster care education bill of rights--school district liaisons to bedesignated, duties.
167.018. 1. Sections 167.018 and 167.019 shall be known and may becited as the "Foster Care Education Bill of Rights".
2. Each school district shall designate a staff person as theeducational liaison for foster care children. The liaison shall do all ofthe following in an advisory capacity:
(1) Ensure and facilitate the proper educational placement,enrollment in school, and checkout from school of foster children;
(2) Assist foster care pupils when transferring from one school toanother or from one school district to another, by ensuring proper transferof credits, records, and grades;
(3) Request school records, as provided in section 167.022, withintwo business days of placement of a foster care pupil in a school; and
(4) Submit school records of foster care pupils within three businessdays of receiving a request for school records, under subdivision (3) ofthis subsection.
(L. 2009 H.B. 154 merged with S.B. 291)