167.225. Definitions--instruction in Braille for visually impaired students--teacher certification.

Definitions--instruction in Braille for visually impairedstudents--teacher certification.

167.225. 1. As used in this section, the following termsmean:

(1) "Blind persons", individuals who:

(a) Have a visual acuity of 20/200 or less in the better eyewith conventional correction, or have a limited field of visionsuch that the widest diameter of the visual field subtends anangular distance not greater than twenty degrees; or

(b) Have a reasonable expectation of visual deterioration;or

(c) Cannot read printed material at a competitive rate ofspeed and with facility due to lack of visual acuity;

(2) "Braille", the system of reading and writing throughtouch commonly known as standard English braille;

(3) "Student", any student who is blind or any studenteligible for special education services for visually impaired asdefined in P.L. 94-142.

2. All students may receive instruction in braille readingand writing as part of their individualized education plan. Nostudent shall be denied the opportunity of instruction in braillereading and writing solely because the student has some remainingvision.

3. Instruction in braille reading and writing shall besufficient to enable each student to communicate effectively andefficiently at a level commensurate with his sighted peers ofcomparable grade level and intellectual functioning. Thestudent's individualized education plan shall specify:

(1) How braille will be implemented as the primary mode forlearning through integration with normal classroom activities. Ifbraille will not be provided to a child who is blind, the reasonfor not incorporating it in the individualized education planshall be documented therein;

(2) The date on which braille instruction will commence;

(3) The level of competency in braille reading and writingto be achieved by the end of the period covered by theindividualized education plan; and

(4) The duration of each session.

4. As part of the certification process, teachers certifiedin the education of blind and visually impaired children shall berequired to demonstrate competence in reading and writingbraille. The department of elementary and secondary educationshall adopt assessment procedures to assess such competencieswhich are consistent with standards adopted by the NationalLibrary Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped, Libraryof Congress, Washington, D. C.

(L. 1990 S.B. 740 § 11)