167.183. Immunization records, disclosure, to whom--disclosure for unauthorized purpose, liability.

Immunization records, disclosure, to whom--disclosure for unauthorizedpurpose, liability.

167.183. 1. Information and records pertaining to theimmunization status of persons against childhood diseases asrequired by section 167.181 and section 210.003, RSMo, may bedisclosed and exchanged without a parent's or guardian's writtenrelease authorizing such disclosure, to the following, who needto know such information to assure compliance with state statutesor to achieve age-appropriate immunization status for children:

(1) Employees of public agencies, departments and politicalsubdivisions;

(2) Health records staff of school districts and child carefacilities;

(3) Persons other than public employees who are entrustedwith the regular care of those under the care and custody of astate agency including, but not limited to, operators of day carefacilities, group homes, residential care facilities and adoptiveor foster parents;

(4) Health care professionals.

2. If any person, authorized in subsection 1 of thissection, discloses such information for any other purpose, it isan unauthorized release of confidential information and theperson shall be liable for civil damages.

(L. 1992 S.B. 611)

Effective 7-6-92