167.101. Certain persons may administer oaths and take affidavits--issuance of certificates.

Certain persons may administer oaths and take affidavits--issuance ofcertificates.

167.101. Superintendents, principals and persons in chargeof schools and attendance officers may administer oaths and takethe affidavits of parents, guardians or other persons havingcharge, control or custody of children, concerning the ages ofchildren, and furnish children with certificates of theaffidavits. The certificates must have attached the signature ofthe child for whom it is issued, the signature of the persons whomade and took the affidavit, and the seal of the school board ofthe district and shall contain the description of the color ofeye and hair of the child to whom it is issued.

(L. 1963 p. 200 § 8-10)

(Source: RSMo 1959 § 164.100)