167.322. System of alternative education established--eligibility, qualifications.

System of alternative education established--eligibility,qualifications.

167.322. There is hereby created and established, subjectto the availability of appropriations made for that purpose, asystem of alternative education for Missouri citizens whoqualify under sections 167.320 to 167.332. This system ofalternative education shall be available to any citizen ofMissouri who:

(1) Is currently a student in a school system of Missouriand is experiencing difficulty in academic, disciplinary,social, economic, or other areas relating to the student'sability to become a productive member of the work force aftergraduation, and is identified by the resident's district as apotential dropout; or

(2) Is currently of an age to qualify for public schoolenrollment but has dropped out of school and is willing toreenroll in his resident district for the purpose of attendingalternative education classes; or

(3) Is a graduate of high school or holds an equivalentdiploma and is experiencing difficulty in finding a job orsustaining employment or who wishes to further his vocationaltraining; or

(4) Does not have a high school diploma or an equivalentdiploma and who is experiencing difficulty in finding a job orsustaining employment or who wishes to further his vocationaltraining.

(L. 1990 S.B. 740 § 24)