167.630. Epinephrine prefilled auto syringes, school nurse authorized to maintain adequate supply--administration authorized, when.
Epinephrine prefilled auto syringes, school nurse authorized tomaintain adequate supply--administration authorized, when.
167.630. 1. Each school board may authorize a school nurse licensedunder chapter 335, RSMo, who is employed by the school district and for whomthe board is responsible for to maintain an adequate supply of prefilled autosyringes of epinephrine with fifteen-hundredths milligram or three-tenthsmilligram delivery at the school. The nurse shall recommend to the schoolboard the number of prefilled epinephrine auto syringes that the school shouldmaintain.
2. To obtain prefilled epinephrine auto syringes for a school district,a prescription written by a licensed physician, a physician's assistant, ornurse practitioner is required. For such prescriptions, the school districtshall be designated as the patient, the nurse's name shall be required, andthe prescription shall be filled at a licensed pharmacy.
3. A school nurse shall have the discretion to use an epinephrine autosyringe on any student the school nurse believes is having a life-threateninganaphylactic reaction based on the nurse's training in recognizing an acuteepisode of an anaphylactic reaction.
(L. 2006 H.B. 1245)