167.117. Principal, teachers, school employees to report certain acts, to whom, exceptions--limit on liability--penalty.

Principal, teachers, school employees to report certain acts, towhom, exceptions--limit on liability--penalty.

167.117. 1. In any instance when any person is believed to havecommitted an act which if committed by an adult would be assault in thefirst, second or third degree, sexual assault, or deviate sexual assaultagainst a pupil or school employee, while on school property, including aschool bus in service on behalf of the district, or while involved inschool activities, the principal shall immediately report such incident tothe appropriate local law enforcement agency and to the superintendent,except in any instance when any person is believed to have committed an actwhich if committed by an adult would be assault in the third degree and awritten agreement as to the procedure for the reporting of such incidentsof third degree assault has been executed between the superintendent of theschool district and the appropriate local law enforcement agency, theprincipal shall report such incident to the appropriate local lawenforcement agency in accordance with such agreement.

2. In any instance when a pupil is discovered to have on or aboutsuch pupil's person, or among such pupil's possessions, or placed elsewhereon the school premises, including but not limited to the school playgroundor the school parking lot, on a school bus or at a school activity whetheron or off of school property any controlled substance as defined in section195.010, RSMo, or any weapon as defined in subsection 4 of section 160.261,RSMo, in violation of school policy, the principal shall immediately reportsuch incident to the appropriate local law enforcement agency and to thesuperintendent.

3. In any instance when a teacher becomes aware of an assault as setforth in subsection 1 of this section or finds a pupil in possession of aweapon or controlled substances as set forth in subsection 2 of thissection, the teacher shall immediately report such incident to theprincipal.

4. A school employee, superintendent or such person's designee who ingood faith provides information to law enforcement or juvenile authoritiespursuant to this section or section 160.261, RSMo, shall not be civillyliable for providing such information.

5. Any school official responsible for reporting pursuant to thissection or section 160.261, RSMo, who willfully neglects or refuses toperform this duty shall be subject to the penalty established pursuant tosection 162.091, RSMo.

(L. 1996 H.B. 1301 & 1298 § 2, A.L. 1997 H.B. 641 & 593, A.L. 2000 S.B. 944)