167.232. Tax for extra transportation may be rescinded, procedure.
Tax for extra transportation may be rescinded, procedure.
167.232. 1. The board of education of any seven-directorschool district where the voters of the district have approvedthe transportation of pupils living less than one mile from theschool and the levying of an additional tax to pay for suchtransportation as provided in section 167.231 may, when itdetermines such action advisable, present a proposition to thequalified voters of the district rescinding the tax levy and therequirement that transportation be provided for all pupils livingless than one mile from school. Such a proposition shall not bepresented to the voters until after such transportation serviceshave been provided for three full school terms and then only atthe annual election. Approval of the rescission by a majority ofthe voters would be effective on July first next following theelection. After that date the district shall provide only suchtransportation as is authorized under subsection 1 of section167.231. Upon December thirty-first of the year in which therescission is effective, the district's tax levy shall be reducedby an amount equal to the increase approved by the voters undersubsection 2 of section 167.231.
2. The ballot form for such an election shall be insubstantially the following form:
Shall the board of education of the ........ school districtbe required to provide transportation only for those pupilsliving three and one-half miles or more from school with theoption of providing transportation for those living a mile ormore from school?
â ã YES
â ã NO(If you are in favor of the proposition (or question), place an Xin the box opposite "YES". If you are opposed to the proposition(or question), place an X in the box opposite "NO".)
(L. 1977 H.B. 130, A.L. 1978 H.B. 969)