167.151. Admission of nonresident and other tuition pupils--certain pupils exempt from tuition--school tax credited against tuition--owners of agricultural land in more than one district, options, not

Admission of nonresident and other tuition pupils--certain pupilsexempt from tuition--school tax credited against tuition--ownersof agricultural land in more than one district, options, noticerequired, when.

167.151. 1. The school board of any district, in its discretion, mayadmit to the school pupils not entitled to free instruction and prescribethe tuition fee to be paid by them, except as provided in sections 167.121and 167.131.

2. Orphan children, children with only one parent living, andchildren whose parents do not contribute to their support--if the childrenare between the ages of six and twenty years and are unable to paytuition--may attend the schools of any district in the state in which theyhave a permanent or temporary home without paying a tuition fee.

3. Any person who pays a school tax in any other district than thatin which he resides may send his children to any public school in thedistrict in which the tax is paid and receive as a credit on the amountcharged for tuition the amount of the school tax paid to the district;except that any person who owns real estate of which eighty acres or moreare used for agricultural purposes and upon which his residence is situatedmay send his children to public school in any school district in which apart of such real estate, contiguous to that upon which his residence issituated, lies and shall not be charged tuition therefor; so long asthirty-five percent of the real estate is located in the school district ofchoice. The school district of choice shall count the children in itsaverage daily attendance for the purpose of distribution of state aidthrough the foundation formula.

4. Any owner of agricultural land who, pursuant to subsection 3 ofthis section, has the option of sending his children to the public schoolsof more than one district shall exercise such option as provided in thissubsection. Such person shall send written notice to all school districtsinvolved specifying to which school district his children will attend byJune thirtieth in which such a school year begins. If notification is notreceived, such children shall attend the school in which the majority ofhis property lies. Such person shall not send any of his children to thepublic schools of any district other than the one to which he has sentnotice pursuant to this subsection in that school year or in which themajority of his property lies without paying tuition to such schooldistrict.

5. If a pupil is attending school in a district other than thedistrict of residence and the pupil's parent is teaching in the schooldistrict or is a regular employee of the school district which the pupil isattending, then the district in which the pupil attends school shall allowthe pupil to attend school upon payment of tuition in the same manner inwhich the district allows other pupils not entitled to free instruction toattend school in the district. The provisions of this subsection shallapply only to pupils attending school in a district which has an enrollmentin excess of thirteen thousand pupils and not in excess of fifteen thousandpupils and which district is located in a county of the firstclassification with a charter form of government which has a population inexcess of six hundred thousand persons and not in excess of nine hundredthousand persons.

(L. 1963 p. 200 § 8-15, A.L. 1983 H.B. 815, A.L. 1988 S.B. 797, A.L. 1999 H.B. 889, A.L. 2005 S.B. 287)

(Source: RSMo 1959 §§ 163.010, 165.393)

Effective 7-01-06