167.627. Possession and self-administration of medication in school--requirements.

Possession and self-administration of medication inschool--requirements.

167.627. 1. For purposes of this section, the following terms shallmean:

(1) "Medication", any medicine prescribed or ordered by a physician forthe treatment of asthma or anaphylaxis, including without limitation inhaledbronchodilators and auto-injectible epinephrine;

(2) "Self-administration", a pupil's discretionary use of medicationprescribed by a physician or under a written treatment plan from a physician.

2. Each board of education and its employees and agents in this stateshall grant any pupil in the school authorization for the possession andself-administration of medication to treat such pupil's asthma or anaphylaxisif:

(1) A licensed physician prescribed or ordered such medication for useby the pupil and instructed such pupil in the correct and responsible use ofsuch medication;

(2) The pupil has demonstrated to the pupil's licensed physician or thelicensed physician's designee, and the school nurse, if available, the skilllevel necessary to use the medication and any device necessary to administersuch medication prescribed or ordered;

(3) The pupil's physician has approved and signed a written treatmentplan for managing asthma or anaphylaxis episodes of the pupil and formedication for use by the pupil. Such plan shall include a statement that thepupil is capable of self-administering the medication under the treatmentplan;

(4) The pupil's parent or guardian has completed and submitted to theschool any written documentation required by the school, including thetreatment plan required under subdivision (3) of this subsection and theliability statement required under subdivision (5) of this subsection; and

(5) The pupil's parent or guardian has signed a statement acknowledgingthat the school district and its employees or agents shall incur no liabilityas a result of any injury arising from the self-administration of medicationby the pupil or the administration of such medication by school staff. Suchstatement shall not be construed to release the school district and itsemployees or agents from liability for negligence.

3. An authorization granted under subsection 2 of this section shall:

(1) Permit such pupil to possess and self-administer such pupil'smedication while in school, at a school-sponsored activity, and in transit toor from school or school-sponsored activity; and

(2) Be effective only for the same school and school year for which itis granted. Such authorization shall be renewed by the pupil's parent orguardian each subsequent school year in accordance with this section.

4. Any current duplicate prescription medication, if provided by apupil's parent or guardian or by the school, shall be kept at a pupil's schoolin a location at which the pupil or school staff has immediate access in theevent of an asthma or anaphylaxis emergency.

5. The information described in subdivisions (3) and (4) of subsection 2of this section shall be kept on file at the pupil's school in a locationeasily accessible in the event of an asthma or anaphylaxis emergency.

(L. 1996 H.B. 1301 & 1298 § 10, A.L. 2006 H.B. 1732)