167.260. Program for developmentally delayed, ages three and four--program for children from at-risk families.

Program for developmentally delayed, ages three and four--program forchildren from at-risk families.

167.260. 1. Any local school district offering to allpupils who are eligible by age pursuant to section 163.017, RSMoa full day of kindergarten within the school calendar as preparedpursuant to section 171.031, RSMo, shall be eligible for stateaid for a program for developmentally delayed children ages threeand four as defined in section 178.691, RSMo, and for childrenfrom at-risk families as defined in section 167.273. State aidshall be provided for no more than a half-day program within thedistrict's school calendar. At a minimum such eligible childshall reach the age of three before the first day of Octoberprior to the start of the school year. Such program shallemphasize social skills, physical development and preparation forkindergarten.

2. The state board of education shall approve such programsand distribute state aid.

(L. 1990 S.B. 740 § 2)