167.270. Specialized courses of instruction--pupils at risk of dropping out--pregnant teens and teen mothers.
Specialized courses of instruction--pupils at risk of droppingout--pregnant teens and teen mothers.
167.270. 1. Local school districts are encouraged tooffer additional specialized programs for any pupil who has ahigh risk of becoming a high school dropout. Additionalfinancial assistance from state aid provided by section 167.260shall be provided to those school districts which offer suchcourses. For any programs established pursuant to this section,such additional state aid shall be distributed according torules and regulations developed by the state board of education.
2. The rate of reimbursement to local school districts forspecialized courses of instruction designed to keep high schoolpupils from dropping out of school shall be determined on thebasis of eight thousand eighty-three dollars for each full-timeteacher who teaches such a course which is approved by the statedepartment of elementary and secondary education.
3. A local school district shall be eligible for additionalstate aid, subject to appropriation therefor, for a program ofalternative education programs for pregnant teens and teenmothers who are enrolled as pupils in the district. Suchprograms may include specialized courses of instructionestablished pursuant to subsection 1 of this section and suchsupplemental services as the district may establish withinguidelines set by the state board of education to enable teenmothers to complete high school. For these supplementalservices a district may accept funds from federal, local andprivate sources as may be available. Two or more districts mayform a consortium to offer these supplemental services. Adistrict which is not a member of a consortium and which doesnot offer these services may contract with a district whichdoes. Such a district offering such services may waive all or aportion of the tuition for such a pupil.
(L. 1990 S.B. 740 § 6)