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61. Michigan Labor Laws Breaks
Quick Guide to Michigan Laws and BreaksMichigan Labor Laws: BreaksIn the state of Michigan, labor law for breaks specifies that employers are not obligated to give their employees a lunch or break unless they are under the age of 18. However, according to Statute 409.112 Meal and rest period under the Michigan legislature, an employer must give a minor under the age of 18..
62. Minnesota Overtime Laws
The Truth About Minnesota Overtime LawsThere are some misconceptions involving Minnesota overtime laws – overtime laws all over the country, actually – that you do need to keep in mind.You may not even realize it: but you might’ve worked one week at your job and had been entitled to actual overtime by Minnesota overtime law! How?An Understanding of How Minnesota Overtime ..
63. Mississippi Employee Rights
Quick Guide to Mississippi Employee RightsMississippi Employee RightsOne of the greatest public resources for Mississippi employee rights involving various employee rights in minimum wage, fair pay and equal pay, the hiring process, safety standards, and more is in fact the annotated statutes. The Department of Labor is also a great resource for multiple Mississippi emplo..
64. Missouri Overtime Laws
What Are the Missouri Overtime Laws?Common sense in regards to employment would state that no worker should have to work any longer than 40 hours a week. But in the event that a worker does have to….Understanding the Missouri Overtime LawIt’s a typical part of the employment concept. Yes, there are times when an employee has to work overtime, for a large assortment of reaso..
65. Montana Labor Laws Breaks
What are the Montana Labor Laws Breaks?
According to Montana labor laws breaks, workers must be allowed a paid rest period—from their employer—of at least 10 minutes for each 4-hour shift worked. The rest period—according to Montana labor laws breaks—must be provided no later than the end of the third hour of the worker’s shi..
66. Montana Workers Compensation
Montana Workers Compensation Laws:
Montana workers compensation laws state that an employees’ safety is vital to the employment sector. MT workers compensation laws are instituted to ensure worker safety and protect the employee’s rights as they relate to their job function and their relationship with the employer. Montana workers compensation..
67. National Labor Relations Act Text
FINDINGS AND POLICIES Section 1.[§151.] The denial by some employers of the right of employees to organize and the refusal by some employers to accept the procedure of collective bargaining lead to strikes and other forms of industrial strife or unrest, which have the intent or the necessary effect of burdening or obstructing commerce by (a) impairing the efficiency, safe..
68. Nebraska Employee Rights
Quick Guide to Nebraska Employee Rights
Nebraska Employee Rights
There are several public resources for Nebraska employee rights involving various employee rights in minimum wage, fair pay and equal pay, the hiring process, safety standards, and more. The revised statutes provide a great reference, and the Department of Labor offers helpful in..
69. Nebraska Labor Laws Breaks
Quick Guide to Nebraska Labor Laws on Breaks
Nebraska Labor Law: Breaks
Nebraska labor laws on breaks are few in number and do not state that an employer needs to give breaks to a person 16 years or older who is out of high school—except for certain exemptions for assembling plants, mechanical establishments, and workshops for a 30 minut..
70. Nevada Employee Rights
Quick Guide to Nevada Employee Rights Nevada Employee RightsOne of the greatest public resources for Nevada employee rights involving various employee rights in minimum wage, fair pay and equal pay, the hiring process, safety standards, and more is the state’s revised statutes. The Nevada Labor Commission is also a great resource for multiple Nevada employee rights..
71. Nevada Labor Laws Breaks
Quick Guide to NV Labor Laws on BreaksNevada Labor Laws: BreaksNevada labor law on breaks gives specific rights to the employee for specified durations of breaks unless workers are in a certain profession. Nevada labor laws on breaks are some of the only state laws in the nation that allow breaks, and some of these NV labor laws on breaks are discussed throughout this art..
72. Nevada Overtime Laws
Quick Guide to NV Overtime Laws Nevada Overtime LawNevada overtime laws are provided under the state’s legislature, and most employees are covered by these NV overtime laws except for certain exceptions. Under NRS 608.018 of the state’s statute on Nevada overtime law, an employee must work at least 40 hours in a workweek or 8 hours in a day before receiving one an..
73. New Jersey Workers Compensation
Workers Compensation Insurance New Jersey
What is Workers Compensation Insurance New Jersey?
Workers Compensation Insurance New Jersey is a no fault insurance program that offers the following benefits to workers who suffer job-related illnesses or injuries:
• NJ Workers Compensation Insurance New Jersey: Temporary Total Benefits
74. New Mexico Employee Rights
Quick Guide to New Mexico Employee Rights NM Employee RightsOne of the greatest public resources for New Mexico employee rights involving various employee rights in minimum wage, fair pay and equal pay, the hiring process, safety standards, and more is the state’s revised codes. The Department of Workforce Solutions is also a great resource for multiple NM employee..
75. New Mexico Labor Laws Breaks
Quick Guide to New Mexico’s Labor Laws on Breaks and Meal Periods
New Mexico Labor Laws: Breaks
NM labor laws on breaks are few in number and do not state that an employer needs to give breaks to a person 18 years or older. There are certain provisions for mothers that are breastfeeding under NM labor laws for breaks and under federal la..