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16. Colorado Employee Rights
Understanding Your Colorado Employee RightsEvery state differs not only in the kind of various employee rights, but also in the way they’re worded. So an in-depth look at what you may be dealing with regarding various employee rights is essential.You’ll be looking at various employee rights like:1. Minimum Wage2. Fair Pay and Equal Pay3. The Hiring Process4. Drug Tests for ..
17. Colorado Labor Laws Breaks

18. Colorado Overtime Laws
What Are the Colorado Overtime Laws?According to the Colorado Minimum Wage Order Number 28, there are situations where employees would qualify for what’s commonly called overtime pay.What’s overtime pay? The Colorado overtime laws are as such:1. Overtime Calculations According to Colorado Overtime Laws2. Workweek Definitions for Colorado Overtime Laws3. The Law of a “Regu..
19. Colorado Workers Compensation
Understanding the Colorado Workers Compensation LawsI won’t lie to you. Colorado workers compensation law is extremely comprehensive, complex, and maybe a little complicated. For sure, you would need the assistance of a qualified workers compensation attorney in Colorado to help guide you through the process.You can, however, get a very good idea on what to expect, everything..
20. Connecticut Workers Compensation
Guide to Connecticut Workers CompensationMost workers who have been hurt on the job and require medical attention are eligible for Connecticut workers compensation. This guide will explain what workers qualify for Connecticut workers compensation and how to request your benefits. If you have more specific questions about CT workers compensation or need legal advice ..
21. Diversity in the Workplace

22. Employee Free Choice Act Text
Text of the Employee Free Choice Act 2010H.R.1409 -- Employee Free Choice Act of 2009 (Introduced in House - IH)HR 1409 IH111th CONGRESS1st SessionH. R. 1409To amend the National Labor Relations Act to establish an efficient system to enable employees to form, join, or assist labor organizations, to provide for mandatory injunctions for unfair labor practices during organizing ..
23. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

24. Equal Pay Act Text
Text of the Equal Pay Act:(from: EQUAL PAY ACT OF 1963Document Number: PL 88-38Date: 10 JUN 63Public Law 88-38 AN ACT To prohibit discrimination on account of sex in the payment of wages by employers engaged in commerce or in the production of goods for commerce. June 10, 1963 [S. 1409] Be it enacted b..
25. Finding the Best Employment Opportunities

26. Florida Employee Rights

27. Florida Labor Laws Breaks
Guide to Florida Labor Laws About BreaksIf you have been denied the ability to take a break for meals, breastfeeding, or any other reason, you may wonder if your employer is breaking FL labor laws about breaks. This guide will explain Florida labor laws about breaks so that you can understand whether your current employer is violating state laws with their policies.  ..
28. Florida Overtime Laws
Guide to Florida Overtime LawsIn the state of Florida, most workers are entitled to overtime pay if their work week exceeds 40 hours. If your employer knew or had reason to know that you would be working in excess of 40 hours in a week, you will be able to collect overtime pay for this time worked. This guide will teach you about FL overtime laws, including which em..
29. Georgia Labor Laws Breaks
Quick Guide to Breaks and Georgia Labor LawsGeorgia Labor Laws: BreaksIn the state of Georgia, labor law for breaks specifies that employers are not obligated to give their employees a lunch or break unless they are under the age of 18. If the employer does give a break period for a person over the age of 18, they are not required to pay the employee after 20 minutes unde..
30. H.R. 4213