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Getting SS (Social Security) benefitsGetting SS (Social Security) benefits is considered achievable for some 96% of the American workforce. Social Security benefits of this kind, as comprise one of the primary emphases for this government agency, are accordingly provided in the form of retirement benefits.According to the agency, people who believe they will be getting SS retir..

How to Use DS 160 FormDS 160 Form is the Online Nonimmigrant Visa Application from the Bureau of Consular Affairs of the United States Department of State. DS 160 Form is a completely integrated online application form that can be used in order to collect the needed application information from an individual hoping to obtain a nonimmigrant visa that can be used for temporary tr..

How to Use Form I-751Form I-751 is a government form from the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services for the Petition to Remove the Conditions of Residence. The purpose of Form I-751 is to give a conditional resident who got their status through the marriage of either a permanent resident or a United States citizen the opportunity apply to remove the conditions plac..

What is the VFS USA Website?VFS USA is a website sponsored by the United States government in conjunction with the Indian embassy that provides a multitude of resources, forms, and documentation with regard to Indian citizens wishing to acquire Visas to legally enter the United States. The VFS USA website provides individuals with a wide range of visa that may be applicable for..

What to Know About Forms of IdentificationIn order for an individual to explain or prove his or her identity, age, reside, or other important personal details, some sort of identification document is necessary. The most common way to prove an established identity is by the use of an identity card or license, although other official government documents can be used, such as iden..

The Facts about Identification CardsIdentification cards are used for individuals who either do not or cannot drive, and therefore do not hold a driver’s license. The purpose of the identification card is to provide a form of identification that can be used to verify an individual’s age, although it can go further by verifying a signature or state residency.It is very usefu..

Are You An Illegal Immigrant?
In the United States, illegal immigration refers to the act
of foreign nationals violating American immigration policies and laws through
the entering or remaining in the country without receiving proper authorization
from the Federal Government. You may be termed an “illegal immigrant” in one of the following three
Recent increases in prostitution rings that center on both inferred slavery and abduction often reflect issues with immigration policy. Current immigration policy often deals with issues on the surface, but fails to address the systemic reasons and causes for the specific situation. One example that illuminates the dangers of immigration policy and may suggest a need for immigr..
Link to the Full Text/immigration/immigration-and-nationality-act-textThe Immigration and Nationality Act in the United StatesThe Immigration and Nationality Act, often referred to as the INA, is a federal law and a basic act of immigration law. Prior to the Immigration and Nationality Act, there were a variety of different statutes which governed immigration law but were not c..

The Immigration and Refugee Protection Act is an important piece of legislation in place in Canada concerning the treatment of refugees and the nature of immigration in Canada. The Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, which is sometimes referred to as IRPA, was put into place in 2001 in order to replace Canada's Immigration Act of 1976.The Immigration and Refugee Protection ..

Sometimes this unevenness of navigation through the passage of a bill can even happen with critical subjects like asylumrefugeeIndian Ocean tsunamirefugee lawwork visasUnfortunately, as much as this modification of asylum and refugee law eliminated restrictions on refugee services, at the same time, it unfortunately curtailed some civil liberties.Some even went as far to label ..

What are Inalienable
Rights?Inalienable rights (also referred to as natural or human
rights) are rights awarded to human beings that may not be taken away by a
religious or governmental institution, except in specific situations and according
to due process of the law. For instance, the right to liberty may be limited if
an individual is found guilty of a felony by a forma..

Guide to the Indian
Removal Act of 1830
The Indian Removal Act of 1830 was an act passed on May 26,
1830 by the 21st Congress of the United States. The 1830 Indian
Removal Act was the signed in law on May 28, 1830 by President Andrew Jackson
after four months of tedious debate.
The Indian Removal Act of 1830 was very strongly supported
in the South, where the relevan..

The largest Irish immigration to America occurred during a 60 year span in the 1800s; from around the 1820s to the 1880s, the largest movement of Irish Immigrants to America occured. A good number of these individuals were poor farmers, who were suffering in Ireland because of the the inconsistency in their crops and famine that was sweeping the nation. For others, the politica..

In some instances, justice can be a somewhat subjective term. This is to say that sometimes members of a concerned public will view the effects of laws and judicial decisions, and decide that justice was not done by them. In this regard, rather than adhering to a strict interpretation of the legal code or waiting for new pieces of legislation to be passed, these individuals wil..