How To Use the VFS USA Website
What is the VFS USA Website?
VFS USA is a website sponsored by the United States government in conjunction with the Indian embassy that provides a multitude of resources, forms, and documentation with regard to Indian citizens wishing to acquire Visas to legally enter the United States. The VFS USA website provides individuals with a wide range of visa that may be applicable for a variety of purposes in order to gain access to the United States on a temporary visa through the VFS USA website. Visa applications offered on the VFS USA website includes visas for the purposes of marriage, education, employment, and more.
The VFS USA Visa Application Review Process
Subsequent to the receipt of Indian Visa Applications from the VFS USA website, the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services Bureau (USCIS) conducts the following actions prior to rendering a decision with regard to VFS USA-based applicants; the USCIS:
1. Receives the VFS USA-based Visa application
2. Reviews the application
3. Requests evidence to substantiate the Visa Application
4. Performs a secondary review the VFS USA-based Visa application after receiving evidence
5. Conducts an interview and examination process
6. Renders a decision with regard to the VFS USA-based application
7. Conducts post-application activity with regard to the decision made
Types of Visa Applications Offered on the VFS USA Website
The following Visa applications are amongst the most common on the VFS USA website:
B-1 Visa Application: A business visa permits a visiting non-immigrant who is the proprietor of a business valuing at least 150k US dollars entry into the United States; business visas can also be awarded to non-citizens who possess assets and monies exceeding 1M US dollars in value.
B-2 Visa Application: A business tourist visa allows a non-citizen to enter the United States for a set duration of time within the realm of a business venture, endeavor, or activity; this can include travel, visitation, sight-see, or participate in business trips and/or sabbaticals.
E1 Treaty Trader Visa Application: This type of visa allows for the approved applicant to enter the United States in order to participate in investment opportunities, as well as commercial ventures; all commercial activity must not only include at least 50% involvement with the United States, but at least 51% must involve equity finances involving the United States as well.
F1 Visa Application: A student visa allows an international, non-US citizen to enter the United States in order to study and/or attend an accredited educational facility, as well as participate in training and internship placement programs.
H1B/H2B Visa Application: An employment visa can be granted to those individuals who possess special skillsets and degrees who wish to be employed in the United States; the applicants for H1B visas must satisfy the employment requirements of the application, which are limited to specialized fields and advanced educational criteria.
J-1 Visa Application: An exchange visitor visa allows a non-citizen to enter the United States in exchange for an American citizen – or lawful permanent resident – who wishes to enter that same country of origin; this process must be approved by both the USCIS as well as the governing body of the participating nation.
K-1 Visa Application: A fiancé visa allows for a non-citizen whom has chosen to marry an American citizen to enter the United States for a period not exceeding 90 days in order to be married in the United States.
TN NAFTA Work Visa Application: A TN NAFTA work visa is provided by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services Bureau to resident s of Canada and Mexico only. TN NAFTA Work Visas are accepted in all countries that adhere to the parameters of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA); however, only full-time and part-time employment is permitted – self-employment is not afforded to recipients of these types of visas.
US Work Visa Application: A US work visa entitles a non-citizen the opportunity to be gainfully employed in the United States of America; in contrast to the H1B visa, the recipient of a US Work Visa does not need to possess a special skillset or accredited degree.
Legal Assistance for VFS USA Users
Individual applicants who are unfamiliar with the process of obtaining a visa are encouraged to consult an immigration attorney with regard to their individual circumstance; the completion of immigration and travel documentation requires particular care and consideration with regard to any and all expressed details within the application process – an immigration attorney can assist in the formulation of required documentation, review of applications, and authorize the legitimacy and legality of all VFS USA-provided forms and documentation.
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