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Concept of citizenshipCitizenship is a status held by the resident or member of a politically constituted community and commonly acts toward conferring certain privileges and rights on an individual recognized in this way. Citizenship is commonly recognized as a means through which nation-states and other communities can be bound together.Accordingly, people who are interested ..

Concept of citizenshipCitizenship is a status held by the resident or member of a politically constituted community and commonly acts toward conferring certain privileges and rights on an individual recognized in this way. Citizenship is commonly recognized as a means through which nation-states and other communities can be bound together.Accordingly, people who are interested ..

1. The Permanent Resident Card, also known as a green card, means that the individual has earned the legal right to become a permanent resident of United States of America. While a green card does not afford an individual all the potential benefits that are available to a resident of this country, it is a precursor to obtaining these privileges, and for the positive things brin..

An asylum seeker is an individual seeking to obtain asylum and protection within another country than his or her home country. Asylum seekers must be able to make a case for being granted sanctuary and asylum within a country based on certain grounds. For example, asylum seekers must be able to prove that they have a credible fear of returning to their home countries because of..

Between Democrats and Republicans, it is oft expected that, on a particular issue, when a leader from one party takes a symbolic stance, his or her counterpart from the opponent party must express views that are direct inverses of the first set of beliefs. In truth, many times elected officials fall in line behind party lines.The topics of illegal immigration and immigration ha..

Deportation may not seem like a serious consequence to some. As a matter of fact, those illegal immigrants who have subsisted under the auspices of the United States and subsequently have been deported may be argued to be getting off easy for blatantly disregarding American laws. Still, as life for undocumented aliens in the United States may not be easy, the aftermath of a dep..

Naturalization process for obtaining citizenshipThe naturalization process as administered within the United States and directed by the U.S. government agency, as consists of the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), should be understood as the means through which people who were previously not citizens of the U.S. can obtain citizenship within the country.As such,..

Immigration News
Recently, illegal immigration news has become widespread on television news
stations and in newspapers throughout the country. Immigration news provides
individuals with access to illegal immigration facts, changes in immigration
policy and legislation, and details regarding political immigration debates.
The national concern regarding illegal immigratio..

Immigration Reform BackgroundImmigration reform is the process of changing the existing immigration policy within the United States. Immigration, both legal and illegal, is a serious concern in this country, with hundreds of thousands of immigrants entering into the country every year. Immigration reform is necessary to meet the ever changing needs of immigrants and concerns of..

One of the great realities of the institutions of naturalization in the United States today is that regardless of where people are born, where their parents came from, or the color of their skin, they may become full citizens just like those people whose families have been in the country for generations. The naturalization process is generally reserved for those who entere..

What are Passport Pictures?A passport is a necessary document used by all individuals interested in travelling abroad. The passport is a government-issued legal document that provides travelling agencies as well as the government with a distinct form of identification for the traveler.The passport is a small legal document which is issued by the United States’ Federal Governm..

The history of immigration to the American continent surpasses the length of the United States as a sovereign nation. Each generation witnessed specific trends of immigration from varying counties of origin. This cyclical fashion would result in the federal government reacting to the varying trends with legislative initiatives that ranged from downright racism to high-minded al..

Both the B-1 and B-2 visas are used for non-immigrant travel to the United States. The B-1 travel visa is a temporary business visa that is commonly reserved for non-paid business affairs such as contract negotiation, settlement of an estate, attending a conference or meeting, and the receipt of training not specifically geared towards employment, but also may relate to athlete..

The controversy surrounding various immigration policies is a constant source of battle amongst both politicians as well as the American public. Illegal immigration brings out incredibly strong opinions in people, and one of the issues that seems to always take center-stage is border control. One concern would be how illegal immigrants who attempt to come into the United States..

Iraqi refugeesIraq was once ruled by Saddam Hussein and the Baath Party. This dictatorship led to many deaths and violence amongst the Iraqi people as Hussein was ruthless in leading his country. When Hussein was forced to flee Iraq following the war with the United States of America, the number of Iraqi refugees increased.When the United States invaded Iraq, many Iraqi refugee..