Immigrant Abduction, Prostitution, and Slavery
Recent increases in prostitution rings that center on both inferred slavery and abduction often reflect issues with immigration policy. Current immigration policy often deals with issues on the surface, but fails to address the systemic reasons and causes for the specific situation. One example that illuminates the dangers of immigration policy and may suggest a need for immigration amnesty for those without criminal background, revolves around criminal prostitution rings. Women subjected to these prostitution rings are often victims of human trafficking, and as a result are paid abhorrent compensation for their services.
The implications of these crimes often begin with easily navigable border protection that permits the entry of an untold number of dangerous illegal immigrants. Although the majority of illegal immigrants pose no national security risk, those involved with dangerous Mexican gangs - and those involved with human trafficking - are amongst the top security concerns in the United States. Many assert that the only way to shed light on the dangerous, undocumented illegal immigrants is to offer immigration amnesty to those that have either lived in the country for a certain amount of time, or that represent good moral character, as many laws specify in the field of immigration.
Amnesty often attracts heated political debate as some note the criminality involved with entering the country illegally. These arguments require a new level of pragmatism; while illegal immigrants have broken the law, the dangers presented from some illegal immigrants outweighs the concerns of the former.
Recent news surrounding illegal immigration and human trafficking tell similar stories. One prostitution ring situated in a lower-income area inhabited by mostly immigrants purportedly distributed business cards to possible clients.
After the ring was discovered, officers had a difficult task in charging those involved. Since the women were illegal immigrants, immigration law calls for their deportation. Yet, upon further review, it was clear that the women not only had no idea what city or state they were in, but they were clear victims of human trafficking. In such situations, officials need to instate a comprehensive immigration policy that allows for illegal immigration amnesty in certain situations that will aid the country in weeding out the egregious criminals that exploited the women and established prostitution rings.
Much of the criminal actions that surround Mexican gang activity is a result of criminals establishing footing in both Mexico and America. Ironically, if illegal immigrants whom were not only uninvolved in crime - but against its presence in their respective communities - were welcomed to come out from social shadows, they would be able to help persecute those that present security risks and are committing these horrendous international crimes - yet, their respective emergence would result in their own apprehension.
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