Maricopa County Sheriff's Office
The current Maricopa County Sheriff is a man by the name of Joe Arpaio. He has been elected to the position of sheriff for 5 terms; each of his terms has been four years long. He is the head of one of the largest sheriff’s departments in the United States; there are over 3,000 employees who work under this particular facility.
The Maricopa County Sheriff’s department is a full-service facility in which the scope crimes handled can be the smallest parking ticket to the murders. Under the Maricopa County Sheriff’s department there are a number of specialized divisions who are dedicated to law enforcement and crime solving.
Under the watchful eye of Joe Arpaio there have been many murder cases solved, including nine murder cases regarding children. The specialized crime divisions have worked diligently under the orders of Joe Arpaio to make it possible to close these types of cases and bring justice to the families that were involved.
Joe Arpaio has also implemented informational and educational programs into the Maricopa County Sheriff Department. One of the most often utilized informational tools is a database in which booking and status information is compiled and updated often. This is to ensure that the public has full access to seeing the law enforcement action in work.
In regards to educational programs, Joe Arpaio has been working on an accredited high school which is run by his jail and an anti-substance program in order to help individuals to fight substance abuse and ensure that they do not return to criminal activity.
Overall, Joe Arpaio serves as the commanding official of the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Department, and has been an essential part of crime fighting in Arizona.
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