Brevard County Sheriff’s Office
The Brevard County Sheriff is Jack Parker; he is currently serving his second term as the elected position of Brevard County Sheriff. Sheriff Parker is dedicated to the renovation and building of various areas of the Sheriff’s department. He has a number of different forces and positions that he wants to create in order to ensure stronger implementation of the law and a better focus on various areas of law enforcement.
Some of his completed task initiatives have included: the creation of a tactical team designated to working on violent crimes, a mental health unit for the jail to ensure proper help and security regarding the mentally ill, a teen driver program in order to educate the young adult drivers throughout the county, obtained re-accreditation to ensure that the jail and the sheriff’s department could continue to serve the community, and various other important initiatives. His proactive work throughout the agency is apparent in the movements that have been made.
The Brevard County Sheriff department has created a website which has information regarding current criminal bookings, people who have evaded the criminal justice system and are currently still at large, and cases that are still unsolved. This is away for the community to keep informed about what the county has been working on and provides contact resources for the public to voice information if they have it.
Furthermore, besides the law enforcement aspect of the Brevard County Sheriff department, there is information given about the legal system, and who individuals are processed; this is also informative for family members of alleged criminals or for the criminals themselves.
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