Copy of Marriage License Florida
Getting a Copy of a Marriage License in Florida
If you need to obtain a copy of a marriage license in FL, you may not know exactly where to look. It can be fairly easy to get a copy of a marriage license in Florida if you know the county and the year where the marriage took place. Even if you're not sure exactly where and when the marriage happened, you may be able to get a copy of a marriage license in FL for an additional fee. This guide will teach you how to get a copy of a marriage license in Florida and who is eligible to obtain a copy.
Who Can Ask For Copies?
Because marriage records are considered public information and people entering into a marriage have no expectation of privacy relating to the data given on their marriage license and certificate, you can obtain a copy of a marriage license in FL no matter who you are. Even if you are not related to either party, and just need a copy of a marriage license in Florida for an investigation or historical or geneological research, you can get any of these public records at a nominal cost.
What Information Do I Need?
You will need to fill out as much information as possible on the form to request a copy of a marriage license in FL. The form can be found and you will need to know the couple's names and dates of birth, as well as the year the marriage occurred in. If you do not know the exact year of the marriage, but can estimate a range of years to search for, you may ask the state to search a range of years for an extra fee of $2 per year searched.
Getting a Copy After Marriage
If you have just gotten married in the state of Florida, you may want a copy of a marriage license in Florida to show as legal documentation. Because the state Department of Health can take up to 60 days to receive a copy of a marriage license in FL, you may want to ask your county clerk for a copy. This allows you to change your name on your driver's license or other identifying documentation, as well as changing insurance arrangements with your employer.
Fees for Copies
Getting a copy of a marriage license in Florida, or a marriage certificate, is generally quite inexpensive. A copy of a marriage license in FL typically costs only $5 for your first copy and $4 for additional copies. However, if you are planning to obtain not only a copy of a marriage license in Florida, but also a commemorative certificate for display, you will have to pay more. The commemorative certificates, which are signed by the governor and have calligraphic printing instead of the computer printout appearance of a normal marriage certificate, cost $30 each and include one computer printout copy as well. While the commemorative certificate is more attractive for display purposes, you will need a normal computer printout copy of a marriage license in FL for most legal purposes.
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