Marriage Certificate Utah
Quick Guide to Marriage Certificates in UT
Marriage Certificates in Utah
In order to validate a marriage certificate in Utah, two prospective spouses must follow a number of steps and make sure the marriage is valid under law. This article will discuss steps two people should take to finalize their marriage certificate in Utah after obtaining a marriage license, but qualifying factors to legally marry need explained first.
Requirements for Marriage Certificate in UT
In order to receive marriage certificates in Utah, two future spouses cannot try to enter into a marriage that is otherwise void by law. A marriage certificate in Utah cannot be issued in any circumstances if the marriage would contain any of the following characteristics:
1. There was another husband or wife living during the second marriage and there was not a divorce
2. Either party was under the age of 18 unless they obtained proper consent under §30-1-9 for the marriage certificate in UT
3. When either the male or female was under the age of 16, unless they were 15 and met conditions under §30-1-9 for marriage certificate in Utah
4. If either party was involved in a divorce and attempted to marry again before the divorce became final
5. Between persons of the same sex, even if the marriage was performed in another state
6. Validation of a marriage certificate in UT would cause incestuous relationship
There may be other reasons the marriage certificate in UT may be void as well, and you’ll want to ask a county clerk for clarification on state law.
Step 2 Solemnization Requirements for Marriage Certificates in Utah
If couples have qualified for a marriage certificate in Utah, they will receive a copy of the marriage license along with a blank return for the person who has solemnized the marriage. In order for a couple to legally receive a marriage certificate in Utah, the marriage must be solemnized according to §30-1-6.
The statute provides that only the following qualified individuals can solemnize a marriage and validate marriage certificates in Utah:
• ministers, rabbis, or priests of any religious denomination
• spiritual advisors of other religions
• judges and magistrates, governors, and multiple other legal professionals
Officiators may not be required for marriage certificates in Utah in some cases. The state allows common law marriages, and the process for a marriage certificate in Utah is a bit different for common-law marriages. If you have questions about marriage certificates in Utah for common-law marriages, contact your local court.
Step 3 Return Signed Marriage Certificates in Utah to the County Clerk
A marriage certificate in Utah must be signed by the person who legally solemnized the marriage (or signed mutually between the parties without an officiator in certain cases) and returned to the county court as soon as possible. After the clerk has received the validated and completed marriage certificate in Utah, they and the county court will be the full custodian of records relating to the marriage between the two parties.
If any copies of the marriage certificate in UT are needed in the future, a party should call or visit the district court in which they submitted the original certificate.
There are strict penalties for obtaining a marriage certificate in UT with fraud. If either party or clerk has falsely placed information on a marriage certificate in Utah, they may face serious penalties. Penalties for fraudulent marriage certificates in Utah also apply to officiators. The state has strict penalties compared to other states, and a person can be convicted of a felony for fraudulently signing or placing false information on the marriage certificate in UT.
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